
It’s not a hate symbol, it’s a meme. Don’t believe the lies.


Ohh boy, remember that google document?

How to deal with “mansplaining” at work.

But he bought the game, so that now belongs to him.

Words are not inherently bad, it’s how they’re used is what makes it bad. Words are neutral. I watched the stream, nothing about what he said was racist. You people are on a Grade A witch hunt.

The devs need to be careful before another Muslim truck of peace hits their office.

If you think they aren’t, you’ve never watched South Park.

$5 says she was lying to avoid him.

I think I’ve just stumbled across the most racist website on the internet. You guys have the Daily Stormer beat.

This is not just racist, it’s also sexist.

Flooding makes looting legal, everyone remember that.

Youtube is slowly killing it’s own platform.

That makes sense, make a game about player choice and FORCE more homosexuality in it. Instead of, you know, just leaving it up to the players.

Y’know, when she isn’t ruining her country.

This whole article is pretty racist.

“I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn’t try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain


Well, I believe you’re attempting not see how credible it is because you disagree with it. Neither one of us will convince the other.

Incorrect, just because you know I got the best of you now you’re claiming the proof I’ve offered isn’t good enough. You’re not capable of being convinced either, no matter what I show you. You’re the problem, and now you’ve made an attempt to choc my argument up to me being upset based on my race. Now I know you’re