

Said 20 years ago.

I severely beat my child tonight because he could not make me a perfectly cooked rack of lamb.

And was also from out of town based upon the conversation when they first came out of the bar.

Forget Jabba, he looks roughly like what I pictured Leto II looking like in full Shai'Hulud form (although smaller).

Totally different.

I miss the good ol' days when you could muse and wonder about old, obscure things that no one gave a shit about, like the name of the good Sleestak or that sci-fi show where they collected space garbage, without someone just doing the whole "Let me Google that for you" routine. Simpler times.

This whole things sounds like a really bad idea.


And that's just what they make their investors!

The methane must flow.

Does that count as being be-butted?

Take out the stupid "Dune for dummies" preamble but keep in some of the contextual scenes deleted from the theatrical cut and that would be a decent cut.

And Monica Bellucci's ass!

Well this one has a mutated bee played by Sean Bean (not kidding). Not sure about the orgies.

Ya, I'm sorta up for a glorious flame-out with those as the skeleton. Beats "Generic Sequel #4".

He is talking about Heinlein there.

One of the greatest one-line-ish performances ever: "He's all over the place! Nine hundred feet up to 1300 feet. What an asshole!"

Can't wait for Sean's take on Randy Quaid's latest missive.

Coniff is incredibly liberal, so no idea the genesis of the beef mentioned above. Just look at his twitter feed.