
He should just use those punch cards to find the missing women, or at least 32.6 percent of them, including Adriana's sister.

I think the dialogue ended after the first two sentences.

Watch Run Lola Run.

It's also just really catchy.

One of my favorite gags in all of the ZAZ films is when Chocolate Mouse mows down all the Germans in the chateau and some random 70's black guy walks through the frame for a high five and a "My man!" For some reason it is just the best.

To be pedantic, the U.S. Supreme Court did not overturn Prop 8. It skirted the case altogether based upon a standing argument that let a lower court ruling stand. Boeis and Olson are creating this huge fantasy that they were instrumental in the gay marriage breakthrough. It was really the DOMA case plaintiffs and

No goatee so not Flexo.

Beck and Hannity are actually pretty good examples of Ellsworth Tooheys though.

It wraped the pairing with her glove story and "Goodbye, Mr. Nygaard." She knew he was basically a dead man walking. The way it ultimately resolved was secondary.

He's hanging out with a Russian interior decorator in the Pine Barrens.

Most viewers are stupid.

Having Ozymandius and The Secret Fate of All Life up against one another is kinda bogus and shows this wasn't all that well thought out. It's like having 2 #1 seeds play in the first round.

Valuation is just based upon multiplying what some dumbass VC outfit put into it divided by the percentage of the company it received in exchange.

I would suggest not using Lyft or Uber. It's highly dangerous from a liability/injury perspective.

I agree. We have an embarrassment of riches on TV right now. Why muck about trying to rank them?

A Bemidji Surprise!

Bodies are piling up around Lester, Double Indemnity style.

Sad that "a man like Lester" really did arrive to "take her away from all this." Tragic, yet dim, character.

Ah. Probably. My bad.

That's the thing though. She probably did which is why she acted that way towards him. We only had his perspective of her as a harridan but didn't see what led up to that. Both she and his brother both seemed to know he was basically a piece of shit.