
1) Take the rabbit over leaving the fox and cabbage.
2) Row back.
3) Take the cabbage over and drop it off..
4) Pick up and row back with rabbit.
5) Drop off rabbit, pick up fox.
6) Take Fox over and leave with cabbage..
7) Row back, pick up rabbit, row back over and now have all three on other side.

Maybe it was his fiance's house?

There was a TON of negative space framed into shots throughout the episode. You just kept thinking the guy was going to pop into it in some fashion to wreak vengeance. Also classic shots of characters looking one way and then panning across as they turn around for the anticipated classic horror film jump scare.

Ever read Diuretics: The Science of Matter over Mind? Changed my life.

Anyone who doesn't like the effect of tight editing should watch the TIE-fighter battle right after the MF leaves the Death Star. If you look at the individual shots in isolation they are all fairly goofy. But put it all together with the way it is cut (plus Williams' amazing score) and it is awesome.

Those blintzes were terrible.


The guy was loading up the back with groceries (so the window was down) and walked away to take the shopping cart back. That's when Malvo strode up and just took it.

He got caught monologue-ing.

They need to have Caldonia do her highly erotic temple dance in praise of Eros to make sure.

Roger pretty clearly states that they discovered that the U.S. Postal Service ripped off another of his dad's characters so he got a big settlement. Not sure what you are getting at.

Still doesn't pencil. McCann's current parent (IGP), that also owns about 40 other companies, has a total market cap of 7B. No way SC&P is worth 400 million by itself regardless of it being a hedge to keeping Buick.

Not sure how one guy, who is now legendary in the business for falling apart during a pitch, is worth half a billion dollars.

My law firm was like that. Wasn't even in the paperwork. We had shares in the LLC that vested over time "in case we ever needed to do anything based on that" but every decision was made by raising hands at the shareholder meetings on a one-person/one-vote basis.

I think the show is playing pretty fast and loose. I'll use the 2014 numbers.

Probably a roundish number based upon a multiple of earnings and capital assets which is usually how these things are valued. Roger would definitely be in the ballpark based upon both that and his discussions with McCann.

All of his "triumphs" were completely pointless and sad. He gets a free pity donut. He has a kickass membership from turning in points representing (conservatively) 2 million dollars in credit card charges. He gets a free ride by wasting a huge amount of time to save 12 bucks and he is so worried he won't get an

I always thought he came across as a narcissistic depressive and that he was essentially committing suicide by organized lynching.

I know the timing is a bit off but I half expected Air Florida Flight 90 to come slamming into the bridge while Stan was looking out over the Potomac. Something about the snow on the ground and the angle of the shot.

In some instances their Germans were better than our Germans.