
Counterpoint to your counterpoint: I installed Win 11 and am overall happy with it. Snap assist is a game changer. A lot of the criticisms people are predictably tossing out fall flat with me. No issues with default browser, text on icons, MS account, start menu, etc. I just did an update to a Win 10 laptop and all my

What else am I supposed to do with my 68 meter long foyer with an incoming ramp?

John Wes Townley entered a house where his ex-wife and another man named Zachary Anderson were located and proceeded to attempt to attack Laura and Anderson with a hatchet. Anderson fired several shots from a gun. 

“That you don’t not a criticism of the research findings”

If I buy one, do you think my wife would let me ride in the back?

It can be both. His design was ugly, and it was also HIS idea. He is a stain on this country, and every single thing about him needs to be erased from history (not literally, because we need to learn not to make an embarrassing mistake like that again).

No one’s outraged that he wanted to use red, white, and blue.

The extra HP and tire size just seem wholly unnecessary for a 2-door off-roader that already comes with decent clearance.

I’m sorry, but Firefly is now problematic for its deficient number of Asian characters in a Chinese-influenced future (, let alone its association with Joss Whedon (, so you’re now canceled. May the deity of your

Ah, so you’re a Whedon-apologist... Fucking disgusting!

We’re traveling around the country next year, and I’ll be working the whole time. My SO brought up getting an RV and that was a hard pass from me. We’re doing long and short term Airbnbs with just some camping trips mixed in.

This is such a sad story and another reminder that “van life” isn’t the surefire recipe for a easy livin’ on the grams kinda life. I’ve often said that a tandem bike is a great way to accelerate a divorce moving slowly - Likewise, living in a tiny space together for weeks on end is a really great way to draw out all

“and lawyered up right away”

I mean, that was a comprehensive acknowledgement, and seems very sincere. I’d say that was one of the best (or maybe just the longest) acknowledgements I’ve seen a celebrity do in the face of massive backlash for an obviously bad choice.

Oh, give you sports cars instead of your very specific, extreme example? 

Of course, I didn’t say that. I did say that your level of judgement, as well as the black and white nature of it, was wrong. 

I would submit that drivers are a problem. I refuse monocausal explanations. Stock SUVs are sufficiently safe at normal highways speeds. 

Acoustic Gangster’s Paradise isn’t real... It can’t hurt you.

Sorry Zack but the video you posted is just static. Are you feeling ok?