

At least it’s not another God damn apple product placement.

Fkn WB better be kicking themselves for not already signing her for at least two movies. Gonna be more expensive to get her now. And if they don’t, may have to boycott it.


Yeah I had to do a double take there. JET pilots the Bebop, not Spike. Spike calls his ship “Baby.”

Hopefully Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon. Or maybe HBO or Starz. They’re really the only companies putting out anything I can get into.

It isn’t very appealing. And pretty disappointing. I bought it cuz I can’t help it and Tekken I my all time favorite fighting series. But I am really hoping for some better single player stuff down the road. The adventure mode or whatever from Tekken 6 was great. And all the arcade w/ending stuff from all the previous

You know the single player is super lacking when you can platinum in a day or two. Hash tag humble brag or fkn whatever the kids are saying now.

Not to mention, Keaton AND the vulture.

No one wants to talk to that shitheel.


You know there’s gonna be FFXV-2 first lol.

Leave it to Fox news to be fucking retarded about everything.

You spending time online? I can’t seem to get into any ranked fights! If it finds someone, it immediately says connection lost. I’ve tried setting to all the different connection strengths. Damn thing. Hopefully this improves. I don’t remember Tekken tag 2 having any issues like this.

I own Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger. They spark much joy in my life. And I wish I’d just had money at the time, because I rented Final Fight Guy from Blockbuster! And I would have bought it. I was but a 5th grader. Never played or heard of any of the others above that lol.

Man I do not care about NES games but C’mon Nintendo give me a good SNES library and I’m there.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. Should I even finish the second season? Is it at all a satisfactory ending? Seems like shit is starting to get real.

Yay! Been waiting on Life is Strange!

Tekken on Ps4! Get hype!

This article is making me cry man tears. Because it’s so beautiful.