
Chrono Trigger? Wtf mate.

And people still make this same comment. And people still make THIS same comment. And on and on it goes. The great circle of life.

Quest Rogue sucks. I’m at the point where I just concede if I see the quest and I’m not playing aggro. It makes my life a lot less stressful. My problem was that first week it was close to every gd game I had to face quest Rogue. So I just went back to wild, where I do most of my playing now until I get more cards for

I’ma be real with you guys. I think the in game graphics look better than the trailer. I really like hand drawn stuff but the screenshots look beautiful. Maybe because it reminds me of Bloodborne. And I fkn love me some Bloodborne.

It’s 2018?! Shiiiiiiit I lost almost a whole year.

Are you talking active members of the armed forces? Food stamps? Man, shit must have really changed since I got out 10 years ago.

Breath of Fire 2! Gotta love it but I wish they’d redo the translation if they released it again.

This is a good list and I mostly approve. Other games I’d love to see:

This is what I’ve been thinking. Maybe Fox even let him go knowing that he’s just gonna be working in the white house next week.

They just recently removed them. I saw last night and was soooooo sad.

Joke? Joke?! You think this is a motherfucking game, Cecilia?!?!

What about this jerk?

You know Kurt Russell is in this movie, right? Sorry if that some kinda spoiler for you, but Kurt Russell rules. And this movie can’t possibly be bad. It may be not as good as the first. Sequels are, most of the time, not as good as the first. But I’m sure we’ll enjoy it.

It’s just a pool. No children are going to be scarred by a pool minus the porn.

But the artist made Barret white.

You know, I’ve noticed an infestation here.

The Rock 2020!!

He saves the children.

I’ve gotten level 99 without moving past the first battle on FFT! I guess the enemies level up with you so it doesn’t take THAT long. But I’ve done it! It’s pretty fun.
