
Such a non-issue. People are so gd stupid.

It only vibrates for 10 seconds? I need at least a minute.. Or 2...

Parents banned cancer > I’m died.

I’d do it if I could get away. This is the only life I’ve got and I’m not giving it up to kill some asshole dictator who may very well be replaced by some other asshole dictator who is just as bad or worse.

Yeah I just really wanna fight back against the crazy liberal media... In New York...

It isn’t that they aren’t checking. It’s that they don’t care. You don’t have to be a citizen to join the military. At some point he got a green card I’m sure, coming in as a child. I know we take better care of the children that come in. At least I think we do.

It really isn’t that simple. Most Americans don’t understand the immigration laws (I’m included). There’s a lot of crap involved with becoming a citizen. A good friend of mine was carried across the river as a kid by his mom. He grew up and joined the Marines. We served in Iraq together. He got out, got married, and

You’re insane. Or a troll. An insane troll.

My volcanosaur was gold. Everyone get a gold?

The last time I went to church, it was for an assignment for religious studies I took in college. It was actually a decent class, if you just took it for what it was and didn’t actually try to question the madness of it all. Very informative.

And lots of other people still really enjoy it.

You should go see the movie. Then come back and tell em how wrong they are.



I’ve been thinking that she’s entirely too good for the people in these shows. She’s a goner.

I know Misty and Danny are a thing in the comics but I just can’t see them together in the show. She’s smart and capable and he’s a crybaby rich boy. I think fans will be OK if these versions don’t end up together. Unless that’s exactly how they are in the comics.

We all just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

Final Fantasy Tactics, Castlevania: SotN, Suikoden 2, Megan Man X4.

You’ve got a rough life ahead of you if this bothers you. It happens all the time with awful movies. Especially kiddie movies. The next transformers movie will probably be #1 for a time.

Punch! Punch! Puh-puh-puh-puh-punch! Kick! Ki-kick! Kick! Uh oh! Uh oh!