
It deletes all game files, credit history, and any paper records like birth certificates are shredded. New game, new life.

Trump is making trolls more bold though. They’ve been around since the Internet started, but having a living breathing troll in the white house makes assholes think it’s OK to harass people.

She should be thankful the girl didn’t throw a jar of piss at him.

I worked there as a teenager and I really liked it. Minimal responsibility and I got to hang out with my friends. But it can be a good career if you like it enough. The store supervisor people that worked directly for the owner made good money. And you can get to the point where you’re opening up your own franchises.


I never considered mine beautiful until someone else told me it is. Now I’m like, look at how beautiful it is.

No. DAI was full of bullshit filler and fetch quests. If that’s something a reviewer sees, I’d think it should be in their review.

I haven’t even played the new Zelda. I don’t have a switch or even a wii u. I just like how mad you are.

Won’t be the last! Lol. You’re gonna be so mad when you see another one tomorrow.

Ya’ll can just repost fallout 4/Witcher 3 posts for Zelda at this point imo.

This kinda stuff reminds me of the games I’m really wanting like Eitr and Death’s Gambit. Any news on those?

I played a little demo of Chasm at Best Buy like 2 years ago and was really excited for it. Will definitely buy that if they ever finish.

I kinda really miss the jewel cases for Ps1.

So is this hinted at or explained at all in the movie or is this only something I’d know from reading it on the internets?

Watch it now!

I will see all of them because I did genuinely enjoy the first movie. It’s a silly live action Ferngully remake, but I enjoyed it. It’s taken way too long for the sequels so I’m not really excited, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy them.


This is a weird list. These are mostly good movies! Maybe Twister is kinda silly and Jumper acting isn’t very good... But the rest are pretty solid imo. I expected something pretty bad like, Spy Kids or something.

Baseketball is top 10 material.

It doesn’t matter. Maybe he’s British.