Mortal Wombat

Full packs of Newport Lights were always a big hit with the local toughs.

My wife loves Dots!

Cute pumpkin

Kind of an unnecessary dichotomy. There are more good burgers than just smash or “dinner”.

You took time from a trip to Paris to go to a ShakeShack in London?


I was there, and the drop was pretty impressive. A slo-mo version that starts when he’s already on the way down doesn’t do it justice.

Ugh, Doakes and his sister were TERRIBLE.

You don’t know anyone who’s bought an Apple product in the last year or two and decided to switch on the free trial? Or anyone who’s watched Ted Lasso?

Would really like to know how these taste.

Dexter: Fascinating premise, stunningly presented, terribly acted by everyone but Michael C. Hall.

The fighting is great. The slo-mo, bullet time shit was, and is, awesome.

This is exactly how I felt, for the first 30 seconds of the trailer.

I don’t think they need to go that far. It’s the friggin matrix, nothing is real, they can reboot it any way they want and really don’t need to be constrained by anything that came before.

I really disliked a Cook’s Tour. Had read and enjoyed Kitchen Confidential, and travel and food were the #1 hobby for my wife and myself, but that show definitely struck us as “the ugly American goes out to eat” — it felt like he condescended to a lot of the cuisine he encountered.

My god, everyone here with every goddamn view is a whiny little *****

He’s asshole, but that’s not why people don’t eat salads. Certainly in my college days, where a perfectly fine salad bar was available, me andost everyone else stuck with stuff that tasted best. So maybe sometimes lettuce with ranch and backs, but usually something else fried and salty and tasty.

These guys are charlatans, because food mix doesn’t solve anything.

I was hoping this was a gritty W.o.F. reboot where Pat Sajak gets the Ned Stark treatment.

I’ve had nopales a number of times, and it’s never take done anything for me. The slight acidic flavor isn’t that exciting, and doesn’t do anything a good pickled veggie wouldn’t do (with more interesting texture to boot).