Mortal Wombat

I assumed, toward the end of the film when it was revealed how Machiavellian the whole operation was, that the Flag rescue was actually just her taking the opportunity to kill the freedom fighters who Flag was with. Presumably because America liked them even less than the military strongmen who had completed the coup.

Drugs, presumably

I mean, that part is fascinating too

You’ve accurately described the choices you have left to the business.

Ugh, Wil Wheaton is the worst audio-book reader, ever. Some of that may have been the writing, of course, but he sure didn’t do it any favors.

As a white dude the same age as most Karen’s, I can tell you there’s absolutely glee in taking women down a peg underlying a lot of its use.

Ok, let’s have the conversation.

Come on, you didn’t give us the *best line* from the whole thing?

It’s actually just one big ad for Popcorn Shirts.

My claim to fame is knowing the Macarena, like, 9 months before the rest of the country.

Sure, it may be part of the job, but how many goals other than “create profit-making film” actually come up in a director’s performance review?

Nobody cares that you’re using the beta.

Flip that bad boy to portrait orientation, live like a king.

Worst part of switching employers was going from Skype to Teams.

“Peewee Herman reboot, but British this time”

next Ant Man will be set in Paris and end on an Île Flottante

Thing that bugs me most is probably the claims to health benefits.

“Any time someone dares use the phrase ‘car accident’”?

I don’t think Tim Conway was on Mama’s Family.

Sounds useful, but I’m not really sure why we should trust your estimation of how bad a burn would be without the Water-Jel Burn Dressing. I think you’d need to have personally watched dozens (hundreds?) of burns treated with the dressing, and an equal number go untreated, in order to say that the escorted expired one