Mortal Wombat

Grisham was huge, but Francis Ford Coppola’s name was even bigger.

Here’s the comment I was responding to:

Jesus Christ, bulk pricing has not the slightest fucking thing to do with milk over-production. That part of your comment is utter nonsense.

Fine, but without context the whole beef is absurd.

I call bullshit.

Let the whole leftovers thing go. Driving your car to the show is much, much worse than wasting the food, so don’t beat yourself up over the food.

Could someone _please_ do some analysis rather than simply copy and paste a press release?

Don’t be intentionally obtuse. No one here is arguing they’re engaged in illegal discrimination.

Still stupid AF

Wait, what sort of carcinogen-adding processing does a burger patty go through that fried chicken does not?

It seems highly unlikely that what’s implied is correct. Yes, cooking makes nutrients much more bio-available than they would be if the food were raw. So if the article is comparing to air frying the food to not cooking it at all, then it’s trivially correct. I’m very dubious, however, that convection cooking makes

What, do you only cook in inherited cast iron over the flames of your smug self-satisfaction?


I can’t stand Patton Oswalt. I get it, it’s my thing, not him really. But every time I caught a few minutes of that King of Queens, or his cameos on Parks and Rec, and especially his talk show host on Caprica, he just sets my teeth on edge.

Uhh, not sure where you watch your Netflix, but I think it’s pretty safe to assume this ‘audible moan of annoyance’ you heard during Army of the Dead was coming from *you*.

could someone parse “as offensive as the appropriative expertise of the gay male voice” for me?

Dumb, trashy fun fun fun is how I remember this one.

(note: spoilers I guess for first one)

And let’s remember who took offense and cancelled him.

Millennials, if you want something that’s well and truly yours, it’s... all of this stuff.