Mortal Wombat

God I miss Billy on the Street

What would you say was her lashing out? I shotgunned the series three days ago and the details of that driving scene are already leaking out of my brain. Mainly I remember her giving him shit about not being able to drive a stick. To the extent she was neurotic about her relationship, I think that’s just her thing,

Would be interesting to see what you think of it with 30 years of perspective. It struck 10 year old me as fascinating and terrible, the first movie I’d seen where I didn’t know who to root for and started to realize that maybe rooting for someone isn’t the point of some movies.

The Brad backstory is interesting. Cool if they want to flesh him out a bit, or if they wanted to leave him as this purely malign presence on the same team as our protagonists but who’s effectively still a bit player.

Eh, the voiceover comes off as modern-day Cruella recounting her origin story. So she’s not in the 1970s as she makes that reference.

I had assumed Let’s Be Real was an update on DC Follies. Which 12 year old me, high on the political comedy crack that was Dan Carvey’s Bush, would hope would come on randomly after SNL but certainly didn’t miss if it didn’t.

We’re talking about throwing away leftovers rather than eating them later. Having the excess capacity to throw away that food, rather than consume it, means we’re

Except yes. If we’re producing enough food for people to throw it away without thinking, we’re extremely well positioned to manage a shock to the food supply, be it production shutdowns from a pandemic or any other reason.

You really don’t have to worry about it.

How about the fact that our general overproduction of food gave us the cushion to weather Covid-related shutdowns without a care of people going hungry for lack of supply?

In the US, I’ve not heard the resulting cocktail ever referred to simply as, e.g. , a “blackberry shrub”. And certainly never, say, a “blackberry and vodka shrub”.

I disagree that sour patch kids taste citrusy. The tartness is just tart.

I find both your take and the take of the author of this piece to be valid.


I think I’m repeating other people here, but a shrub isn’t a mixed drink, it’s an ingredient. Categorize it with sour mix or simple syrup.

I think it’s just a try-it-before-you-decide situation.

I’m fine with eating leftovers, I’m fine with throwing them out. I have the American problem of a strong tendency to eat however much is placed in front of me, so I rarely have leftovers from eating out, so whatever I don’t eat, I tend to throw out.

I’m guessing this a fair bit sweeter/more dilute that Bragg’s flavored vinegars you wrote about recently?

I can’t speak to your office specifically, but in many cases the work from home productivity is going to be short-lived.

You were raised on a sketch comedy show that regularly lampoons celebrities?