Mortal Wombat

Then the world ends in a massive, fiery cataclysm

I don't believe a word of what you've written.

But what did she say to you when she was super pissed and snarling?

Have you considered that the source of your confusion may be your reading comprehension skills? Nowhere did the letter say they were referring to a “bar and grill” (nor even one of those two things).

Are you sure that's obvious to the choir? Because the choir's original position was that is lame for the letter writer to want a coursed meal when there exist other cuisines that don't do coursed meals.

Yes, of course different meals work best in different ways.

The Mayo Clinic says no such thing.

No thanks.

Yes, of course different meals work best in different ways.

So your actualcomplaint is that there’s too much meta commentary on today’s films.

Such an odd comment. Wedding service is your standard for most meals — that’s what you’re hoping for?

So weird that this is a hard concept to understand.

“Everything comes together or at different times.” Um, yeah, I guess that does cover all the possibilities.

Fine. Whatever.

I’ve got this mental image of jrhmobile crawling up to an oasis in a desert, looking at the size of the pool of water, looking at the size of his stomach, doing the math, and then sadly shaking his head before crawling away.

So those are the “worst” “sweatshops”, huh? Fascinating. 

I think some, say, sweatshop workers or oil-covered birds might question your superlative there.

I don't know, maybe Fincher really was just giving Affleck shit, but "somnambulant" is about the most apt description of his performance that I can think of.

You are correct that none of the three pictures looks like peanut butter and jelly on white bread.

Wait, you’re telling me that a brioche au sucre isn’t bread?