Mortal Wombat

Your two scenarios don’t come close to spanning the gamut.

There is no reason for the predatory versions of this to be legal. We have anti-cybersquatting law focused on trademarks. Unclear whether that covers situations with company names or individuals’ names. But it clearly should in cases like this. If someone can legitimately argue they’re registering

“One of the first things anyone should do when establishing a business is register a domain name.”

“Too lazy or dumb” guy doesn’t feel like reading whole article, comments anyway.

Oooh, which groups are you talking about? Don't leave us hanging!

French onion soup is what you get when you're in the mood for a French dip sandwich in completely jacked up proportions.

I would pick butternut squash soup over matzo ball every day and twice on Saturday. My opinion is better than yours because I’ve tried them both.

Well then, since it was missed in the cereal draft... my favorite soup:

This is a great question. I’ve never waited tables, but I eat out frequently. I have often wondered how much of an imposition it is to ask someone for something that I know is clearly not their job (e.g. a busser or a different waiter for an additional order). Answer: Not much of an imposition at all, go for it.

You clearly don’t live in a gross, walking-around city. I am the least squeamish person I can imagine, but I’m constantly contending with crap, pee, vomit, trash juice, dropped food, unidentifiable sludge and every other flavor of gross on the sidewalks/streets/subways of my fair city. I not-infrequently end up

Yeah, I rarely eat at McDonald’s, and it’s even more rare for me to eat at Chick-fil-a, but in my experience the upper bound of service at Chick-fil-a is much higher, and the lower bound of service at McDonald’s is much lower. I think your experience may be the outlier.

Tomacco Cow.

The Chopping Mall ... “Where shopping costs you an arm and a leg!”

Alternatively, beg Chucky for the sweet relief of death.

Public intox.

That actually sounds like cafeteria food in India.

Yeah, definitely the packaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at Harris County jail. Extra sad is the fact that I had four of them, because that the number the served over the course of 34 hours.

Sure it’s no skin off your nose? Because “my eyes rolled back into my head” doesn’t sound like it. And this slippery slope / potential catalyst of changes fear you’re voicing makes it sound like it may, in fact, be some skin off your nose.

Man, this one needed a trigger warning.