
What's drawing me in is that I just like time travel stories built around ontological loops. And "All You Zombies" is the queen of all ontological loop time travel stories. I loved 12 Monkeys.

I've seen Predestination and both it and his work in it are great - but Sarah Snook blows him away.

Well, of these:

So how long before the honor of being covered by gizmodo brings this one down?

"One thing worth bearing in mind is that there's a similar website, which has been around for a while, called"

Hopefully the coach will be a little more specific in the future when he calls for the runs.

Video will make close to that based on the rate it's growing, plus he still owns it. I'm not suggesting the thing itself is worth the purchase - but obviously if you're a massive puzzle enthusiast it is - the earnings from Youtube are simply a bonus. For anyone to imply it's a "waste" of time to spend 7 hours doing

I'm with you, man. LSD was my drug of choice back when I was a kid. The first time I ever tried it I had the single most significant emotional breakthrough of my life in a really positive way. I also peaked in the most beautiful coastal spot in New Hampshire and experienced a visual of a giant skeleton rising out of

MAN I miss acid. I'm a grown-ass adult (ostensibly) now so I don't think I could go wild like I used to in my care-free teen years, but I would definitely be down to give it another spin. It's been too long.

The problem with your example is that people who complain that "Spider-Man is white" are really attempting to say "Peter Parker is white" which he is. They aren't usually articulate enough to explain that. The point of Spider-Man, if you're a true fan of the superhero and not the man behind the mask, is that the mask

Same here. When they start arguing with you over the definition of every single word, you've passed a semantic event horizon from which nothing good ever returns.

When I ignore someone who argues with me, it's not because I don't respect their viewpoint. It's because I'll never change my mind, they'll never change theirs, so what's the point?

And here I am taking 7 minutes I untangle my earbuds.

Favorite WTF flashback is actually the whole series of flashbacks when we realize the true relationship between these guys in Fight Club:

If you were using Tor, wouldn't you want to know what was going on?

For a guy whose name is ItsOnlyTheInternet, this seems out of character.

If the power of FOIA kept police from making mistakes in cases, we'd all live in a much safer world. Also, we wouldn't have this New York Times report, done using FOIA records from the cops, showing how TPD bungled the Jameis Winston investigation:… Or how about this Times report,

Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?