
Is anyone over the age of 15 supposed to take anything the Smith kids say or do seriously?


Thanks for your exhaustive review. I have worked for Royal's strongest competitor for ten years, and after hundreds of cruises, never thought I would be excited for a cruise - much less pay to go on a cruise.

That's nice, I guess.

I guess more functionality is always better, but is there something wrong with me for choosing to just stream Spotify directly from my phone or tablet, instead of using my phone or tablet to control my desktop app? It just seems like the desktop is an unnecessary middleman.

Uh huh. I mean, people like this just scream "I love myself as I am and don't need to resort to extreme measures to make an impression on people."

It was business deliveries only, not *huge* deliveries, and almost always downtown locations, so there was always someone to receive the package and once dropped off, the driver could resume picking up regular fares right away. They were cool with it.

Yes, companies have been using taxis in addition to/lieu of bike messenger services for many years; especially during winter. This is at least true for Boston. I worked for Kinko's in the olden days, which offered free delivery to its business accounts. On days we were swamped, we often relied on taxis to pick up the

I would pay $10 to not be caught owning a Taylor Swift CD.

If it's his neighborhood though, he may very well know who has kids and who doesn't, without having to examine their trash.

I've never understood the appeal of changing one's eye color, especially to the unnaturally bright eye colors. It screams "I have low self-esteem and am starved for attention and compliments." Ironically, all it ends up doing is confirm to others how insecure somebody truly is.

Pricing—which is probably going to be fairly high—is yet to be announced.

Little Kimmy's expression is priceless. I wonder how long it took him to master the "gazing fearlessly towards the future" expression.

Have you seen the way we treat fellow human beings on this planet?

Didn't know that or catch that. Bummer.

He may not know what the hell he's talking about, but I really admire how passionate that dad is about defending his daughter.

Not so long as there are sad, lonely people who are desperate for human interaction and can only obtain it forcibly by inciting angry responses.

Nobody is talking about the fact that in this alternate timeline, John Connor cannot be the same John Connor. Unless Kyle and Sarah use the exact same egg and sperm to re-create John (impossible), it is an entirely different person being born who will be trained to lead humanity in the future. If you're going to do

Whatever happened to AT&T's promise that we would just roll our grocery carts through a scanner and instantly be presented with our total? Forget paying with my phone - this is the future I'm still waiting for!

Seattle's growth is ridiculous. I moved back here after a 10-year absence, and it barely resembles the city I left behind due to the tremendous boom in tech, and only tech.