
these stars wouldn't make half the absurd money they make for doing what they do

True, too bad they have so few locations. My nearest is a 30 minute drive on the freeway, if there's no traffic. And there's never no traffic.

If that's what you get from it, you're watching it wrong.

Show the Dog Whisperer and Vet Clinic on those times.

Get over it, and forgive them. After all, YOUR GOD COMMANDS IT!

I like naked phones as well, but iPhone 6 is so thin and light that everyone's initial feedback is that it feels very easy to drop.

Yep. I love feel-good stories where everybody wins!

For reals, where's the outrage? I wish I could beat my child, have the world find out about it, then get to go on indefinite paid vacation.

Bitch is not doing any favors for the white population of Oahu.

Will people please stop attacking the NFL?! This organization is a non-profit, and therefore beyond moral reproach!

Obviously, the author is unfamiliar the Canyonero "F Series," complete with lipstick holder…

HAHAHA men lose their entire careers over dick pics. See one: Anthony Weiner

Whatevs indeed… I just took it as confirmation that she couldn't defend the post.

In fact, it's downright subversive.

Cartoon penises, drawn and described to match the personality of the character to which they belong, do not offend me. What offends me is a group of people that support such an activity, but are incapable of admitting how outraged they would be if another blog did the same thing, but featuring women.

You're correct. A couple other commenters including yourself made that very important point, so thank you!

My bad, poor grammar on my part. I meant to say it explains how so many big budget movies turn out so shitty, because Hollywood executives don't put in their due diligence when green lighting a film. Iron Man, thankfully, was an exception to that!

You're awesome, Saya!

it's a legitimate double standard that's a natural product of history.

Sorry, too much vodka last night - I meant it explains how so many shitty movies with big budgets manage to get made, because Hollywood executives don't put in their due diligence before moving forward.