
That's really cool. I should've looked before using them as an example, but was only trying to demonstrate that any consumer company can find a way for their employees to experience the product they manufacture, without necessarily giving away free cars.

As though I needed something to make me feel like less of a man than I already do...

Totally agree. Even the Porsche plants could offer something like a free one-week rental per year after a certain period of employment. All they have to do is maintain a fleet of a dozen or a couple dozen cars, which they get at cost. And it's not as though they have to replenish the fleet every year. Consider it an

Let's just all take a moment to be grateful that P.J.'s gross endangering of lives didn't interfere with his 16.5 million dollar contract! I wish I could pull shit like this and get rewarded with a job that pays millions. Instead, a DUI "off the clock" would cost me my job in the cruise industry (where I don't drive

Why is everyone here debating insurance premiums, while they should be talking about what an asshole the truck driver was/is? The way this reads, is he really had it out for this kid for whatever reason. People who throw beer bottles at cars as they pass them aren't the kind of people that give two shits about having

Oh dear lord, if you succeed, I am forever in your debt. For the record, it's banana-flavored ice cream with little pockets of banana pudding and crumbles of nilla wafers mixed in. It's perfection...

Agreed - I wish they made a banana pudding flavor. It's really hard to find outside of the south.

Thanks, I know you mean well. I don't think I stereotype gays, but I do believe a lot of gays fit the stereotype (because I'm friends with many and even they think that!). Even though I'm not out doesn't mean my orientation is a secret. I'm closeted to family and coworkers, out to everyone else.

Actually no. For the past ten years, I've been at sea or in foreign ports during U.S. pride celebrations. This summer was the first I've been in a city during pride, and I didn't even know it was happening until I saw pictures in social media. I trust your description is accurate, but it is telling that the only

After this summer's abysmal offerings, I thought perhaps the days of good summer blockbusters were over. After seeing this, I now have a reason to continue living another year (to the disappointment of many, I'm sure).

Yep yep yep. It's not the fear of persecution, it's the fear of having one's true identity undermined by the presumption that gays are BDSM freaks who love all-things-fabulous.

There's a North American constitution now? That's pretty neat! What about the Mexicans? Can they legally say "maricon" all they like now? I hope so, cause very bad things happen in Gay Jezebel jail, and nobody deserves that - not even Mexicans.

I'm listening...

Thank you Mark. This describes the main reason I am still (mostly) closeted. The instant somebody discovers you are gay, they suddenly feel as though they know exactly who you are as a person. Vocal supporters like NeNe, Kathy Griffin, (countless more whose names I can't be bothered to remember) just don't realize how

So you would not accept a smoothie from him while visiting his home?

Yeah, this concept works great for the Japanese because they have a consummate respect for strangers in close quarters. Americans see this and the first thing they think is, "oohhh, drunk fuck pods!" I suppose it will work at festivals though, since all the tenants will be young, like-minded, and engaging in the same

ProClip is awesome, have had one in my Altima for the last three years. It looks and feels like it was factory installed, and nests perfectly between my stereo and steering wheel without blocking any components. The mini stereo cable plugged into my head unit wraps around the rear mount of the ProClip, so the excess

ProClip is awesome, have had one in my Altima for the last three years. It looks and feels like it was factory

What's the problem? Most men will make you work to figure out what they hate about you. At least you know what you're getting yourself into if you should choose to court this guy.


I worked in the cruise industry for 10 years. Sorry to inform you that the daily service charges are a load of BS - they don't get paid out to staff at all.