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All-New X-Men #40 uses the superhero genre to make fumbling, fanfictiony stabs at recognizing identity issues bigger than its authors ability over top the same copy+pasted panel of an emotionless 13 year old boy with a 1994 haircut

Yeah, fuck advertising, man. It's so soulless. Who wants to waste their life away toiling on disposable logos for Amazon(tm)'s amazing black friday deals? I'm glad this show is taking a stand against it all, like how Keebler(tm) brand cookies stand against the competition with their rich, buttery, choclatey taste.

There are many wonderful, lovely, non-'vapid' people living in LA. The problem is they're middle class nonwhites living over 5 whole blocks away from Sunset blvd so they don't count as real people.

Could he restate that, perhaps in 'quip' form?


This clickhole site yall are doing is something else i tell you

I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough

It's not russian it's ukr— ah what the hell it's russian.

Spoiler alert: Kreia does say she's proud of you, and that extra content turns out to have been better placed on the cutting room floor.

I saw blue and black no matter how hard I tried to see otherwise. Then I went away and came back 3 hours later— to the exact same image on the exact same computer monitor— and saw white and gold. So what the fuck.

There is DEFINITELY no sex happening inside the box. There's probably not even a box. A box-shaped entrance to the backstage area, if anything.

I don't think an Academy that nominated The Theory of Everything for best picture can criticize formulaic scripts

Yeah, at their best it FEELS like your choices matter. If making choices is the most significant input you have in the game experience that's a pretty low bar for being at one's best.

Nah. What it accurately depicts is a handful of teen-demo fiction cliches and a frame of reference that is, if anything, out of touch. The protagonist's last name is Caulfield for cryin out loud.
If it's truly inspired by Persona, as another commentator suggested, then they missed the point by failing to pay homage to

Mother 3 has moments of brilliance but that description makes it sound like How To Weep the Weepy Weep Way which is not really accurate

I wish the media would do more in service of our fine billionaires. This episode was a step in the right direction.

That doesn't seem accurate. The embodiment of blackness on the Simpsons must be…. Carl, I guess?? Lisa's friend Janie? ..Smithers??? Look, let's not make this about race. "Martin" went off the air a long, long time ago.

Dr Hibbert isn't going away from the reruns of classic episodes. And if "recent events" mean he never shows up again in future episodes, who cares? Are there a billion unsung late-period Hibbert moments we'd be missing out on? The fabled "Dr. Hibbert Episode" that finally raises him to the prestigious level of 'A Few

All of these characters have devolved like crazy