
Can't speak for the Viper, but I replaced the alternator in my 240z the other day, and the front hinged hood didn't make it any harder.

I just gave it a try in my gas - my car sat a bit this summer while I had a hurt wrist, and the carbs gummed up a bit. It seemed to work pretty well for me. I can't say anything about it's claims of removing carbon buildup, but everyone I can find on forums everywhere swears by it.

Anything less than 3 hours and I just wake up as a zombie. 4's about perfect.

Ouch, thanks for the heads up. I'm on the central coast and I've never even heard of someone here getting pulled over for not having 'em.

What part of California are you in where they care?

These motors are RARE in Zs. Most have L24s, or were swapped with the L28s out of 280Zs.
The L-series are brilliant too though.

I did make it once without much traffic. They had a rock slide, and part was cut to one lane with a stoplight. I got the front of the line, waited for about ten minutes, and when they let us through I was able to haul ass through most of the fun turns.

I'd say no. He's understeering like mad, and has no traction on the front tires. Putting down more power would shift the traction to the rear of the car even more, only making his understeer worse.

My 71 Datsun Z is now twice as old as I am, and this video pretty much describes my relationship with it.

Those PTs get a lot of hate around here, but I like em. My cousin loves hers to death.

Not in CA. Skateboarders are considered pedestrians, and have to be on sidewalks. (according to the bicycle/skateboard safety class I had to take two days ago to divert a bullshit ticket).

Is 21.

Hahaha. That gave me a jolly laugh.

I knew a kid in middle school that did almost exactly the same thing. Scary stuff.

The lead for this band has gotta be one of the best frontmen i've ever seen live. Hilariously good.

You earned it. Sweet ride, sweet review.

I know someone who accidentally spilled wine on him at the concourse. Apparently he was really nice about it, laughed it off, and tried not to make her feel too bad. So, nice guy in the only thirdhad experience I have with him.


Naw, its all pretty standard. Its a 71, still has the 240 and SU carbs. The front spoiler is not factory, and it has been dropped about an inch.