
Right now its this road, just before sunset. Rarely see any other drivers, and a nice combination of tight turns and long straights to get through the gears.

I'm bummed by the commenters here.

Constructive comment system criticism:

First, I wouldn't call it "by force." I'd call it "by contract." When you live in a decent society you pay taxes to keep it going, or find a new society to live in.

I actually learned stick on that car. A friend was generous enough to take me out to a parking lot and toss me the keys to get used to it. The only bad thing about it was that it shifted so cleanly, every car in my budget to buy this summer couldn't compete.

I don't mind my mom's first gen prius too much (the one that looked pretty much like any other small boring sedan). Even though the steering's a bit loose its not too detached. Front to Rear balance isn't bad. I drove that down Highway 1 past Big Sur and had a lot of fun driving it probably a bit faster than it was

i use it all the time. i followed a bunch of good photographers and news sites i'm interested in. i end up using it as a news feed, that will probably eventually replace iGoogle whenever it dies.