Bruce F. Webster

I hear the blooper reel for the prequels is 418 minutes long.


The entire body of works of Daft Punk.

How about just allowing vigilante justice?

Here's my thought,kick the werewolf in the nads with a silver tipped boot.

Another great article, Kelsey!


A nice idea, but it doesn't exactly what Tolkien had in mind when he thought about the possibility of the Ring corrupting Gandalf. It must be remembered that Gandalf would use the Ring's power because he wants to do good and help people. That's how he would start. But due to the Ring's corrupting influence, he would

Yeah, that's not Hercules! This is Hercules:

N0. 11

I didn't realize it until now, but that Outer Limits episode (The Zanti Misfits) is what's fueled my irrational fear of the California Potato Bug.

Darnit! every time I read on here "The Giver" spoilers my brain immediately misreads it as "Guyver" and I get super excited they are making another one of those campy Guiver movies.

Has Hollywood given up on superheroines that aren't just women in black catsuits?

I will have you know I am an ANDROID fanboy thank you very much.

i remember going to see poltergeist at 10, and thinking to myself, "WHAT JACKASS RATED THIS AS ACCEPTABLE FOR CHILDREN?!?"

This fella leaning his face way forward with his hands in his pockets clearly does not watch/read much sci-fi ....

A Texan writing about the best state fair in the world!

His name is Sinestro. He was going to be bad sooner or later, probably sooner.