
I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing any of Bella Hadid’s movies yet. Which of her projects is part of this year’s line-up?

When I think of a reboot, I think WATERGATE, bitches!

The Trump clan modeled their entire image after “Dynasty”. Their hideous decor, the clothes, the dumb dialogue; Don and Ivana never bothered to make the transition to the new century because the 80's were their heydey. It’s when they perfected their grift, got tons of free press, and most importantly, the last time

Like the ashtray?

Good idea but way too logical and costly. Would require CEO to forfeit 1 of his $900 mil and that can’t happen.

Ridiculous. How much would you pay me if I refrained from coughing in your face? Same shit. Fuck people.

It could very likely work the other way. Trump could be impeached but not kicked out of office. Impeachment would be a badge of honor for this shitbird and the rest of his nimrod supporters. No one would be down with 4 years of that.

True. 4 years of Smirky the Gay Conversion Magician is not the answer to our prayers. Not that we pray.

There may not be a strong enough case for obstruction at this point. I’m more interested in criminal charges stemming from collusion, money laundering, and obstruction combined with a sprinkling of sexual abuse and gluttony.

??Where did you get that?

Maybe they should move to PBS and switch to a Frontline series which chronicles the sad downfall of a West Coast family who were ravaged by addiction to fame, silicone, cash, who didn’t believe in education, and continuously made bad choices in men. And then there’s the father....

Orange Potomac!

.......and Michele’s vegetable garden and mother! And Kenya! Snowflake witch hunt!

Ooh, we are rapidly veering into “Real Houswive’s” style, jiffy pop, Boilermaker pint entertainment level shit. I can’t spend my summer watching impeachment TV! My ass is too big for this!

Wait, for real? Joe Fiennes, who played Jackson in the other biopic, starred in the original Shakespeare. Does this impersonator have actual acting chops and why is he stalking Fiennes like Eve Harrington?

I have no idea what “butter stink” means but I will be featuring it in my vocab henceforth.

Excuse me, you are mistaken. The title is “What Have You Got To Lose.....Where Are My Blacks”?