Betty Borsalino

I’m going to a wedding in July. Glad to see some inspiration for the (as yet unpurchased) fascinator I’m planning on wearing.

What have you done recently to help demoralize a cop into accidentally and begrudgingly taking a more responsible and humane approach to policing? Sound off in the comments.

“Leaving the gun in the stall” sounds like a euphemism for erectile dysfunction.

So really that mosque everyone at FN was worried about is actually Oliver North’s office? Funny that the guy responsible for Iran-Contra would have his office converted to a Muslim prayer space. Seems kinda poetic. 

Use this instead:

It took them that long for the same reason they were checking it at all.

No, it will make Watergate look like an ingenious feat of planning by criminal masterminds.

Unfortunately it’s lost to the Chicago Tribune’s website, which I believe is just a couple hundred punch cards connected by string.

This is the only reason I took my ex husbands name when we married. I disliked my father and his family so much that changing my last name was purely to disassociate myself from them and less to do with being traditional in anyway. In fact when we divorced I kept my married name, again for the above reason only.

Leg days are for liberals.

Be Best, kidney

this just in—Republicans are absolutely that fucking stupid, BUT they also don’t really care about all that because what they really wanted was to “level the playing field” with all those non-whites and non-straights who had dared to think they deserved a seat at the table during the Obama administration. (Because as

in other news, American investor Bon Jarron just bought 50 million shares of ZTE stock at $1/share.

The real question is..... what Trump hotel and golf courses are currently proposed for development in China?

Happy Humming Mothers Day! Love the pic. Please post more as they get older. It’s incredible to see.