Berserker has a new job

An extremely lovely and beautifully talented lady that I saw in person once but was too shy to say hello to. May she rest in peace.

Was it ever discussed to spell it “Latinex” instead of “Latinx?” I ask because the pronunciation has been described as “Latinex” and by the logic of all other pronunciation (i.e Sphinx, Lynx) “Latinx” would be pronounced “Latinks.” Also ‘e’ fairly neutral, isn’t it?

SHE’S 39

4/10 trolljob.


Radar Online provided a link to the actual police reports:

Let’s put it into perspective: yes, his father was abusive. Yes, you could say that the way he was a child star made it so he never had a childhood.

Fuck him and fuck his fans.


The guy whose name now emblazons the former Avery Fisher Hall.

Cosby absolutely did NOT hide his shit well. There were accusations from dozens of women well before people finally started listening last year. Whereas there has only been one accusation against Allen.

“None of them are setting the world on fire with their work so perhaps his reach for big names is over.”

I’m not trying to derail your (very valid) points, but if that’s the case you haven’t spoken to many people on this. There’s a lot in his movies that are quite amazing, both dramatically and philosophically (for the latter ‘Crimes and Misdemeanors’ is a great dark existential counter to Dostoevsky’s ‘Crime and

They killed his wolf though. They could have brought in Shaggydog alive (like, in a cage or something) as proof. I just don’t think, if the Umbers are really down with the Starks and not the Boltons, they would feel it necessary to mutilate a Stark Direwolf.

“And she was picked up and put in an orphanage. And so I’ve been able to really make her life better.” - Woody Allen

Bloodhounds aren’t really attack dogs, they just pick up scents well.


My partner is much older than me and the only times our age difference has ever caused tension between us are when his or my friends try to tell us how doomed we are, that it will never work etc. It’s been five years now so they’ve backed off a bit but for a while it was fucking ridiculous.

Oh damn. I guess it wasn’t Cocaine Princess then.