
I think the real story here is how Tesla can do recalls over the air. But of course this is Jalopnik so if it’s Tesla it’s gotta be terrible.

Finally a Punisher bumper sticker that will show off my fandom of the Punisher while not associating me with the folks that probably never read a comic book in their lives.

Kingpin smashed a man’s head in a car door until it was paste because he embarrassed him in front of Vanessa, Frank Castle murdered an entire cell block full of criminals because Kingpin screwed him over and used him for a prison assassination.

The thing with the Netflix shows is it was all very real violence. You can get away with that stuff in a fantasy setting.

Well, technically, those weren’t “people”, they were aliens. ;) But yeah.

They already changed the logo in the comics.

Bring back Iron Fist Colleen Wing.

So does this mean the Punisher logo changes?

Fennec Shand assassin’s-creeded a whole room full of people, including stringing a guy up by the neck and the subtitles read “BONES BREAKING.” I don’t remember anything more violent than that from the Netflix shows. Bring it all to D+, that’s the only thing that makes sense. 

The affordable housing part of the project also includes the 52 duplexes and 24 townhomes (more than half of the total units) that they were proposing.

And whites looooooove mascots.

He is definitely not wrong, though this is just the tip of the iceberg about what is f***ed up with Louisiana 

He became clayton bigsby without the hood and the physical blindness but the mental blindness of being a piece of racist shit.

1.75 acres is 76,230 square feet. That is much larger than an average family home. A house that was 76K sq ft would be the 11th largest house ever built in the US.

If Chappelle were just voicing legitimate concerns, why did he have to put on that performance at the meeting? He could have flexed to the council in an email, or in a private meeting. It does not add up to the counter narrative in his defense.

Give it a year before his next special, “Pull Yo Pants UP!”

He’s transphobic and full on NIMBY?

Depends on whether you think his town needs a comedy club, or affordable places for people to live.  

Or, you know, press the defrost button in the app?????

Honestly, this isn't that bad? I mean, it's annoying as hell, but all cars have this issue, pull-type door handles just give you better grip.