
Fucking backwards white trash hicks, I am talking about ALL of the south with this bullshit charges, there should be more.

That they weren’t charged with attempted murder is an additional hate crime.

Shaq earned his doctoral degree in organizational learning and leadership with a specialization in human resource development from Barry University.

1st: If automakers stop selling cheaper models, that will force more people to seek out and support alternatives, like transit. More reliance on transit helps build political support to fund it (and other alternatives).

The worship and fetishization of the rich in this country knows no bounds. 

I wanna chuck this into a geo metro

Who do I contact to see if Koenigsegg would like to be the primary sponsor of my battlebots team?

One car family here. Motorized seats allow for memory settings. Eliminates a huge annoyance. 

How is this different from an RPM limiter? They both keep users from destroying the motor by going outside of operating manufacture’s specs.

You are not kidding. That alfa kicks ass. Zagato TZ3 Stradale i think they made 9  one was for sale in the usa for 700k

my favorite viper rebody

You might be on to something there. But he’s not a sports star, so let’s only let the guy do whatever he wants for another 10 years before we consider doing something about it instead of the “NBA special lifetime pass“

I’m starting to think this Chris Brown fella might not be the nicest person...

Imagine a snake saying: “I didn’t eat THOSE babies.”
Guilty or not, this dude really needs to just stay the hell away from women, his history alone should’ve kept him in jail all this time. 


I meant that he can afford a Mercedes.

Those claims are a bit embellished but monetary judgements are very subjective.

“Modern-Day Guillotine” is gonna be my new revolutionary techno punk band.

So they made $100,000,000 from Cybertruck reservations and $50,000,000 from Roadster reservations. That’s $150,000,000 for nothing. How many poor saps also plunked down the $10,000 for the “full self driving” option?

I hear you, it must be discouraging to put in all that work to engage with people when they don’t reciprocate.