
Haha yeah, Edison zapped that elephant and made it all a public show. What a barbaric asshole he was.

Neutral: I was super enthusiastic about Tesla at first. The roadster was extremely promising, and I thought Musk was a real innovator who was here to bring us into an EV future.

People like to complain about Tesla quality, but has anyone done a study on long term quality? I know early cars suffered here, but i havent heard many bad things about like, 2015+ ish.

Free electricity to all through large towers spaced out around the US. Good times. Also, the AC/DC war and public battles, which ironically lead to the invention of the electric chair.

Judge said that law doesn't apply to White Justice.

Nah son. You pull that phone out, make sure you are filming in high def and you get -everything- you can and when you get a chance, you upload it.

I mean for every one these that makes TikTok of FB there’s about 10 that you don’t hear about. I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve walked away rather than telling Linda or Karen to mind her fucking business and stay in her lane because I just know they waiting for me to say something so than can call 911

Sweet Jesus, get off the internet looking for support and grow a pair FFS.

Theres also a guy like you arguing pointless semantics over your ammosexual terminology, but I’ll play. What do you think AR stands for?

It’d be up for auction on the NRA website within hours.


Grow up. Literally no one but psychos gives a fuck what the “legal name” of the gun is.

That isn’t an assault rifle.

either that or the damage is causing his rear wheels to get caught on the body when going forward.

I just... why? Is his transmission busted and only works in reverse somehow?

Yeah, I mean, there are of course extreme cases on both ends but a lot of what was described in the article is also done by senile old people who should have lost their license half a decade ago.

The single seat Metro does kind of kick ass though.

Aggressive drivers are obviously worse as they’re far more dangerous, which you indicated before then saying their the same. That said, fuck these people.

Bingo. When your direct competition for the same lifestyle is welfare, except welfare doesn't expect you to have 4AM to 11PM open availability, and this facility has been 4 days without an injury, well.

This is why I never understand even as a former NA Miata owner why Miata is always the answer? Shouldnt it be: