
If you don’t want to be vaccinated you can stick to pickup games at home. The NBA doesn’t have to tolerate your disease spreading ignorance.

Unvaccinated and NBA player shouldn't be in the same sentence. Kick them out and Isaiah Thomas back in.

Finding out that paying off loans reduced my score was really disheartening. Credit scores need to be government regulated or eliminated entirely. If they can use it to discriminate, then everything about it needs to be public knowledge and shaped by the will of the people.

You forget that his name is Joe Robinette Biden. The Robinette part is supposed to mean something according to The Root...

You call them out, hold them accountable, and never accept that mess. Of course, doing that is a risk. Not everyone can afford those risks. The person most responsible, is always the abuser.

You shouldn’t have to “push through” abuse! What is wrong with you?

Is it really that hard to replace an employee who uses racial slurs with one who doesn't? McDonald's is trash, but do they have to be that trash?

Steve is funny, but he is not book smart and he can’t even fake it. “Hood smart" isn’t going to work on Jeopardy.

Steve Harvey? No. LaVar Burton? Yes!

I’m sure history is littered with worse monsters. It wasn’t until the 70's that child abuse and marital rape were criminalized.

It’s a real shame none of those capitol police thought like how I think. There would have been a lot more mopping necessary...

George Floyd’s photo op seemed to have done something. Not every step on the path to equality is a legislative bill. Creating a more equal America is long and bloody process of deaths, set backs, and things that never feel substantial enough. Yet every so often, we hit a critical point, and something we’ve been

Biden’s impurity, is about to let the GOP steal our voting rights. Which will then be used reinstate MAGA. In fact, liberal impurity is how Trump ended up on a ballot. The democrats won’t take a stand strong enough to rally voters, but they sure do like to point fingers. Unfortunately, there won’t be anyone left blame

I was trying to defend her, but this is too much. She’s proven herself to be indefensible. She’s not winning any races with Jamaica in it anyway, so this won't even be hard.

We pick the worst people to make famous 😑

People who can't even touch their toe think they're a Ringling Bro.

The headline should be 10.54. Elaine is going to beat Flo Jo, she’s already proven herself to have a higher top speed. 40 km/h or 24.85 mph is a world record top speed for women’s sprinting.

So after he pays the lawyers what's left?

Every concussion is brain damage and there is no such thing as “knocked out for only a little while.” Real life is not a cartoon, the longer you are unconscious the greater the risk of severe brain damage and death. The police officers need to be imprisoned for their violent behavior.

Should I go to Home Depot or Lowes, because the Lowes by me is rude but then Home Depot has racist leadership? Amazon is too expensive for home projects.