
As a black geek growing up in the 80's/90's, Urkel made me hate being a geek. If you called me one back then and you weren't female, we would be fighting. Urkel was such a ridiculous clown of a character. I didn't want any association with that.

Considering CTE, I don’t understand how football is even still a thing. Who wants their brains to turn to soup at 50? Are we really that used to dying before 65?

Wealth and racism go hand in hand. The wealthy have always been the enforcers behind the curtain.

It’s probably an extrovert thing. I would never do it, but I could see my extroverted son wanting too.

Not everyone wants to be helped. Not every voiced opinion is genuine. Trolling isn’t just online, the GQP has made this an in-person phenomenon. The most effective counter to trolling is ignoring them. They live for our reactions and all the energy we pour into countering their disingenuous arguments.

Honestly, it wasn’t good for them either. Their parents were so uninterested in them, that they made slaves raise them. The emptiness in their hearts were just filled with hate. They probably grew up to whip their own caretakers.

Africa had plenty of civilization before the colonizers showed up. Any honest study of African history would destroy those arguments.

Some dialogues need to be shutdown. Teach people history and show them where they can learn. Engaging in discussion with propaganda, usually just empowers that propaganda. Even if you “win” the argument, you still lose by having it in the first place.

I send my wife these articles all the time, but then she doubts this stuff because NBC, ABC, CNN, and CBS aren’t reporting this.

Royals are special because of centuries of inbreeding and being worshipped for it.


Oscar Pistorius AKA Tink Tink AKA no-legged-sprinter AKA convicted murdere-

Adults talk about their issues. White people sweep it under the rug. They sweep a lot of stuff under those rugs...

People lie a lot about sex. Especially to themselves. Especially when there’s an ego involved. This has already blown up, and will continue too. It’s a shame, but they chose this. 🍿

I would still wear a mask because not everyone is vaccinated and people like to copy what they see.

Exactly, real apologies don’t have an “if.”

MLK was a radical. Jesus was a radical. Ghandi was a radical. No one who has ever accomplished anything difficult, has ever stood in the middle. The middle is for failures.

If he allowed that girl to be stabbed to death there would be just as much outrage. This loss tragic, but the shooting was justified. There was no time to calculate, talk down, or tase anyone. I suggest that everyone here look up the “knife 21 foot rule” and rewatch the video. There was no time left to stop that

Shooting this child was unfortunately the best available option give the circumstance. I agree with the actions of the police in this incident and am thankful they were there.

An elderly white lady nearly killed me and my wife today by pulling out suddenly in front of our moving car. Then while still blocking the lane, she signaled for us to go. My wife tells her to go. She throws her hands up and then drives off like we made the mistake.