
You'll never catch me in the state of Georgia. I like my voting rights and other freedoms too much.

Being black and owning a gun is a quick way to grant every white American a free pass to kill you. Even black people will say “well, he did have a gun.” There will be no punishment for your executor.

To be black and disabled in America must truly be a nightmare.

It’s usually the worst types who actually seek out the more hardcore combat roles. War is hell and I will never understand the kind of people who get excited about it.

Fighting is always stupid. Especially at night. You don’t know what that person has on them, or who they have with them.

When you have too much money and rather not put 10 poor kids through college instead...

This is why we voted for Biden. We wanted someone “electable” not a hero. We always knew the cost of that compromise. But hey, at least his middle name is Robinette 🙄

Hate is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.

White male jealousy is a dangerous thing. The only thing shocking here is that they would do this to a soldier. Being military has saved me a few times, but I guess that's not guaranteed either.

I knew this was next. 😔

Or they could just pay attention to black people and stop pretending like we’re invisible.

Karen has way too much power in America and always has.

I just hope the prosecution is intelligent enough to shut this down although in any other case the judge wouldn't even allow this kind of testimony.

Tom Cotton needs to be removed from office. I won’t hold my breath though.

Driving into Canada is very pleasant. Driving back to America, is a bit tense. I've never been held up though.

You couldn’t pay me to live anywhere in Georgia. God bless all of you with more courage than me to stay fighting this stuff while living in it.

A portable winch is $350 on Amazon. That, and a nearby tree...

“It was a prank officer" might not work so well for us either...


There is no “black.” That’s the term to reduce our complexity as people. We embrace it out of the need to survive. The need to defend ourselves from structural racism, that forces “black” into existence, and then confines us to it.