Straw Man
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Their use of Exit Music (For a Film) was perfection when you consider the lyrics of the song.

Actually this is more rooted in the show. They have modern day songs (classic songs in the shows timeline) playing on a player piano in the old west setting essentially to remind you that you aren’t really watching a western but also to please the guests who tend to like that sort of thing. It made for an amazing

“it’s a fucking slapstick bit”

Obsessing this much over how others may or may not feel about the movie sounds more exhausting than either loving or hating it.

That is absolutely preposterous. That’s not the only thing wrong with it. Indeed, one of the few things that I found right with it were the fact that Poe wasn’t rewarded for going rogue and that Rey’s path was ultimately not defined by the men that she was looking to for guidance (Luke and Kylo Ren).

Yawn. Stop trying to put a bow on this shit sandwich. It’s a shit sandwich, a bow is not going to help.

You are the most visible face of people on io9 who defend TLJ (which, in and of itself, is ok). I think I remember you being more level headed way near the beginning. But now you, yourself, are just another hater of a slightly different flavor. You became what you fought against.

Or just that it was a bad movie.

Why hadn’t she thought up a plan that didn’t require someone to be on the bridge to watch the transports leaving to begin with?

I thought they were supposed to win by saving those they loved instead of dying for them or something like that.

Ok, but why did she need to stay on the ship? It was just flying in a staight line in empty space. Couldn’t they have just put a metaphorical brick on the accelerator and left?

After the train wreck that was Apocalypse, I have zero desire to the Dark Phoenix. I hold Days of Future Past in VERY high regard and Apoc completely derailed any excitement I once held in the franchise.

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If there is anyone I feel bad for among all the debating and fury around Luke in The Last Jedi, it’s Mark. He trying to be very diplomatic now, but you can tell the changes to Luke just absolutely broke his heart (especially since he knew what George wanted to do with the character).

“Old man yells at clouds” vs “Young fool marvels at shiny turd”

what advice does Rey need? Shes mastered everything there is to know in about a week..maybe she could give Luke advice?

I can’t make myself care about another Marvel Netflix series let alone another Daredevil. Are the entire Netflix universe starting to feel the same?

Well... I mean, as long as you ignore the more recent comics.

I don’t get that from this trailer.

You guys sleep on Vulture wayy to much. Most underrated villain in the MCU