Straw Man

No matter where you stand on TLJ, I think we can all agree that Rian Johnson is annoying as fuck.

I think he’s trying to make sure he gets to keep the next trilogy? I don’t think it’ll work.

Does Rian Jonhson think that if he keeps talking about his movie (that some liked and others hated) that it will still lead conversations 3+ months after it came out?

So now its the Russians fault?

Rian Johnson Explains How The First Order Are The Bad Guys.

On the one hand I identify where he’s coming from, because we’ve all had to do jobs we didn’t like for the money. On the other hand, it annoys me when high profile actors complain about ‘paycheck’ roles like they suffered so much (which he honestly probably didn’t).

To be clear, you did imply that. And to be clearer, go fuck yourself

The Defenders sucked because Netflix’s Marvel is just not that good. The first season of Daredevil was exceptional, the second was okay. Everything else is all just mediocre.

They didn’t? I didn’t know that you were privy to their talent search details...

True but he also produced The Shannara Chronicles, directed Mars Needs Moms, Iron Man 2 and Aliens & Cowboys.

It’s almost like Star Wars was a one-off fun space adventure film coming of age story and not some 100 part grand epic.

Or how about hiring whoever they think would do the best job? There’s a novel idea.

In my opinion, Stranger Things gets overblown hype because it’s near universally liked but that makes everyone think it’s everyone’s favorite show. It’s sort of like Rotten Tomatoes, a 100% rating doesn’t mean it’s a GOAT, it just means everyone thinks it’s recommendable.

Two Towers. ;)

“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” was way way more than just OK.

THe effect is common, but for them to have the same visual lay out, colors and textures?

This. Not everyone is Spiderman. He needs to be funny. Other heroes can be funny, but it should be organic to who they are. Marvel’s been pushing it too much with Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and most others. I like where Cap’s humor comes from: he’s kind of a square and it comes from where he is in the world, not him

When Highlander 2 isn’t the worst sequel of your series, it’s time to just give up.

Seriously, it’s right there in the Tag line. “There can be only One!”

I hope Captain Marvel is the right amount of funny and not just funny for funny sake.