Straw Man

I came away from the first one with the idea that Johnny’s loss had humbled him and he’d decided be a better person as he insisted on giving Daniel the trophy and his sensei tried to murder him in the parking lot 10 minutes later.

Hopefully Daniel finally gets what’s coming to him. He’s such a bully.

If a place offers delivery, and you still choose Seamless, you’re not only costing the restaurant, but (most likely) yourself with all of those delivery fees.

We already knew that it was at least in operation since the latter days of the Republic thanks to the ship’s fleeting cameo appearance in Revenge of the Sith

Best first season since the Original Series.

The real issue with discovery is burnham. This is the first time you’ve had a lead that you arent led to root for or sympathize with. By halfway into the season i was outright rooting against her. Her mistake in the first episode was a character flaw that was never developed or explored or even made understandible.

You left out otherkins too! Some people don’t identify as humans, you bigot!

You left out the aromantic asexuals now you’re never going to hear the end of it.

Look, I am queer. I get wanting representation.

Rationality and clicks don’t mix.

No you can’t. Because, what is it now Deadspin Media? writers just can’t pass up an opportunity to grip about how Marvel missed the mark again about not raising (fill in social issue) with their latest installment.

Am I reading this right, Charles? After you’ve been jerking this “Shakespearean Epic” all week, now you’re going to complain about this? Honestly, it’s just another mindless entertainment, set-up for the next movie Marvel Flick. Nothing more. I just can’t get over the fact that in almost all your articles, even the

As a gay dude I ask this. Who cares? Maybe it doesn’t add to the story. (which is about T’Chala/Black Panther anyway.) You can’t develop the details of every character in only one film.

So, until we have trans/bi/queer/Asian/Latino/Inuit/ancient Egyptian representation, you’re just going to complain, aren’t you? We can’t laud any progress, right?

Flawless summary. The Gawker bloggers are literally never pleased.

why cant we just have a good movie without everyone wanting some type of representation for their group of this or that or some conceived failure on someones part becuase it was thought that they should have included someones obscure or mainstream view on something.


This is the one thing that bugs the hell out of me and I hope they do explore this idea. With technology like this, they would be a (the?) global superpower and their absence from the world stage seems very difficult to understand. Beyond solving/aiding black people in their problems in America, their technology would

So let me get this straight. You are waxing about a movie that promotes ethno nationalism, anti democractic monarchism, and anti diversity?

A genuine question. If this movie had any mostly white cast would people instead be saying that it’s a really just a mostly fine generic Marvel movie that sticks to the tried and tested Marvel formula? Or would people still be acting like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.