Straw Man

My main gripe is continuity. They could have said “fuck it, sorry, this a reboot.” That would have been honest, if nothing else.

“ST is a prequel - we know what is supposed to happen, and this isn’t it. It doesn’t make sense, doesn’t fit in the universe, and shows us characters and organizations that are completely wrong. It would have been far better if this was set up in the future, instead of the past - most of these problems would then have

But why must we constantly slip more in that direction? That was a very controversial episode. That doesn’t make it “better” to my mind that everything TNG did. I’m sick of “Darker and flawed” automatically being somehow “better and more artistic”. It’s neither.

I have to disagree in that I think TLJ treated most of its characters as pieces to place in service of plot devices.

The Last Jedi would have been fine. If it took The Force Awakens seriously. You can’t make one movie, one way, and ignore it’s response with what they gave people in the Last Jedi. It’s literally the most nonsensical lateral move, in cinema history. They Ted 2ed Star Wars, and guess what? Frozen is going to smoke

It’s getting tougher to talk about TLJ itself.

The problem is that Star Trek *IS* optimism made manifest. It exemplifies the hope that humanity will get it shit together, live up to its aspirations, get off this rock, and have a bright future. By abandoning that, by having evil and pettiness within its core characters Discovery doesn’t “Challenge the franchise”,

You are soooo reaching. Most people are pissed about ST and SW for different reasons.

“Kill them all, Billy. Do it for me.”

Batson sees the Man of Steel as an inspirational figure in his life, and that seems to feed into how he conducts himself when he eventually transforms into a cape-wearing, square-jawed superhero himself, in the form of Zachary Levi.

I would actually love for Superman and Shazam to be in the same movie together, especially newly retconned to be Superman Superman from Justice League. Because surely the young Batson would not take his inspiration from the Man of Steel Man of Steel, right?

She looks like she brought an expired coupon to Target but wants to speak with the cashier’s manager anyway.

The colors are obviously an odd choice, but the fit also seems a bit strange. There are a lot of loose folds in the fabric, with the pants actually bunching up over the kneepad. This almost looks more like a screen-printed adult Halloween costume than it does an actual movie prop:

Nah...seems more like a plot hole that was missed. Nothing wrong with that. We’re all human and make mistakes. Just call it what it was and move on. If you don’t, it starts sounding, over time, as ridiculous as doing “the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs”. Johnson, you’re not fooling anybody. Well, I guess some will buy it,

I’m gonna come out and say it. It’s lazy. References are all well and good but this is just a paintover.

Are you really arguing that the massive explosion, that resulted in the bridge getting engulfed in flames, was nothing more than the crew and Leia being easily thrown out into space? Get the fuck outta here.

I know that movies convince people like you that surviving an explosion is easy, but it isn’t. Grenades easily

Her scenes in TLJ were about as strong as her scenes in TFA, which was also kinda of so so at best. Leia Poppins was shockingly bad though.

Who told you that a living organism can survive in space for a minute and a half?

The issue was that she managed to survive an explosion that blew up and killed literally everyone else on her ship.

Further, she was floating in space, uncovered, for an indeterminate amount of time. I don’t know about you, but nowhere in any of the other movies did we see even the strongest Jedi/Sith existing in the

NO one here is arguing about Leia using the force being the problem... it was the way it was shot that made it seem stupid, and on top of having an elderly woman survive the vacuum of space with just some bed rest afterward... well... yeah it really all comes down to the terrible execution.