Straw Man

And Loki takes the place of Mephisto.

Method producing.

I think it’s the real Jay Garrick. Played by John Wesley Shipp.

Never read the books. Didn’t think it was filler. A lot of set up? Yes. But it’s just the story continuing.

They also speak English. So much fail!!!

I think Theon is my favorite character. Not sure how I feel about that... I don’t admire him or anything, he’s just very interesting to watch.

I filmed my reaction to watching ILM reacting to watching the reaction of random people watching the Rogue One trailer. But I had no reaction, so...

Look up in the sky, it’s a serious Superman story with humor. The character actually shows emotion, we can understand (and relate to) him as a person. And it has a reference to the rest of the DCU that isn’t just shoved in.

Artoo deserved it. Based on not getting his mind wiped at the end of the prequels, he’s a complete troll. Could have at least told Luke that Obi-wan is a liar.

I seem to remember Artoo not being able to see Obi-wan’s ghost on Dagobah in the Return of the Jedi novelization. He probably thinks Luke is a crazy person, just like his father.

All of them.

It’s one of two things, I’m not sure which:

Why would Luke, Han or Leia leave their very young daughter/niece on Jakku? Do they hate her lol? If the whole point was to hide her, why didn’t Luke take her with him when he successfully went into hiding?

If Harrison Ford can be Indiana Jones in his 60's and 70's, then Afleck can be Batman in his 40's. The question is: does he want to stay in superhero shape?

I love pics of him in full Spock get up and a huge smile on his face. So wrong, yet so right.

I watched Wrath of Khan that day. Felt like the right thing to do.

Maybe do an origin re-cap in the credits like the Incredible Hulk.

The show is about death- “who’s going to die next”or “what people will do to not die”. You said this “difference is purely semantic.” Would that difference not also be a difference of interpretation of what the show is about? That interpretation is subjective.