Straw Man

Coral’s eye. Coral.

This show has always been this way. It’s not a defense, it’s the way the show has been for 6 years.

Entire thing? This was it:

I understand people think it’s cheap. For me, it’s a love the one your with scenario. It’s a cliffhanger. Someone IS dead. No dumpster diving or off-screen save.

My point is what did I misread?

Yes, sometimes. Do you usually have this much difficulty with making a point?

I don’t know if no one will care by next season. We’ll see. It depends on who was killed, what the plan for revenge is and the general fallout. I haven’t read the comic so I don’t know what happens next, but I’d imagine they don’t just go to work for the Saviors . There will be more murder.

“Sounds like a you problem.” vs “That’s your fucking problem, kid!” See the difference?

How are they giving the finger to people? What does “treated like they really count” mean? I understand your angry, but this is nonsense.

I never said anyone is beneath me. And I agree that everyone leaving at almost the same time was a bit too convenient, but it didn’t pull me out of the story. I saw Carol’s arc as someone having a breakdown. If you don’t like Abraham, then I don’t know what to say.

I understand that reading intent into plain text is a crap shoot sometimes, but I was in no way “amped up”, chief.

If this wasn’t a cliffhanger, do you think there would be this level of outrage? IMO It’s the fact that we have to wait that has everyone’s panties all in a bunch. Everyone knew Negan was gonna off someone. I’ve never read the source material, but even before this episode I knew who he killed in this situation in the


Maybe. And I do see your point. But we won’t know for sure until it’s reveled who actually died. If it was reveled in the finale, nothing would be different- Negan still killed someone at random. The only difference with it being a cliffhanger is we have to wait. But in this instant-gratification-world, that’s too

Pretty sure that’s intentional. He’s not a battle-tested and hardened warrior. Yes he has some power, but he’s unsure of himself, what with all the talk about “being pulled to the light”. Everyone is terrified of a spoiled brat that could kill you with a thought when he doesn’t get his way.

I always thought that was the point of Kylo Ren. He wears a mask not because he needs to, but because it looks cool. He’s a wannabe and very insecure. He’s not supposed to be some badass. He may have power, but emotionally he’s very weak.

Time respected as a viewer? What does that even mean? You mean you spend all this time on build up, but you don’t like the payoff. Or you have to wait longer than you thought for the payoff. Sounds like a you problem. The Walking Dead does cliffhanger endings. Also water is wet.

That’s not what I said.

Calm down, it’s a cliffhanger. This isn’t a new idea. Maybe this is a new level, but TV shows have been doing this for years.

I guess if that’s all you get out of it. It is the apocalypse and there are zombies- people die. I can understand if that’s too much for you to handle.