Benthic Explorer

I distinctly recall him on a talk show promoting the shitty The Saint and proudly bragging that he delayed production by insisting that wardrobe find him his ideal sweater. You could tell he thought he was funny but came across as a total prick.

Was that soft spot located in your head?

Correct. 3.0
Boston Rob to Coach 2.0: "You are a little man." Just the right words to slit his ego's throat.

I would totally patronize a dog bar! Take my money, Eddie!

It would have been fine. Cowboy Rick never spoke anyway.

Who? Heidi? Really? I find that to be impossible! What about Dave from Samoa?

If you want to help someone with a hearing disability, look directly at them anytime you speak to them. Enunciate. Speak a little slower and with more bass. If you are playing Survivor and someone shows any cracks in their armor, subtly exploit it and pray they go home before you do.

81st place! Take that, bitches! Woop woop! [falls down]

As soon as anyone states that they are willing to go to tribal council as a direct result of their desire to vote out the strongest player, that person fits the "irrational" mold and should get snuffed.

Or a true Coach 2.0, transformed from a joke to a religious wacko.

Vince was my top 4 pick. I'm screwed now. But man, I hated Vince.

Dog bar keeps coming up. What is dog bar?

I loved China. They cast Frosty, the parkour champion, and in the first challenge James doesn't bother vaulting over a wall, he just smashes through it. (This may not have happened, but it's what I remember.)

Bear in mind Will has asthma and blew the last challenge. He's old and feels like an outsider. By design, he allowed Nina to piss off Jenn (and the rest of herr alliance). This means he's safe at the next tribal and knows he may survive until the tribes merge. Pretty sharp.

Carolyn already aligned with Tyler by showing him the HII. Now he gets to trust her or blindside her and earn the trust of the rest of his tribe.

The forced pairings of Blood vs Water meant that for every Jerremy we were also stuck with a Val. Survivor casting should be all about the personality, athleticism, or ability to speak extemporaneously. If the person is smoking hot or a kung fu lunch lady, that's gotta be an extra attribute, not the defining one.

It was Sierra. She's the one with the laser focus who nailed the final basket of the challenge. I'll bet she's going to go far.

Personally, I love Halie ever since her intro where she says she wants to be a public defender and fuck the system from the inside out.

Watch Nina's eyes during the hard-of-hearing segment. When I'm at a loud bar, I'm watching the person who speaks so I don't have to say "What?" all the time. Maybe it was lost in the edit, but Nina looked like she was making zero effort to overcome her own difficulty.

Unless you get paired up with the person with the amputation for a three-legged race. Survival on this show depends on winning challenges and not going to tribal. Anyone who stands in the way of that is a major liability. Add to that, anyone, like Vince tonight, who allows ego to override common sense and tries to