
I also can't name a single female writer that inspires me. I can't name a male writer who inspires we either. I am a sentient hunk of cheese that someone plugged directly into the Internet. I am inspired by mold and bacteria.

Our news here in the U.K. Reports him as a ‘British Health & Safety Auditor from Leeds’.

“I have no idea why he took the selfie,” his roommate told the Daily Mail. “But I imagine he probably volunteered to take it as he’s not afraid to shy away from anything a fucking idiot.”

Looking at the picture, it seems that their expressions should be reversed.

Marathons are all about race, bro.

I think there is something weird and psychosexual in his inability to take criticism from her. He cannot abide her not liking him - her dissent. At first, it seemed like the usual politician versus pesky reporter war, but it’s not. There’s something about her being female that he cannot stand.

It’s like finally, you’re standing up for her? After all this time?

Fox News standing up for Megyn Kelly now is like three months late. I wonder if they feel they can be belligerent because Trump had another debate canceled and those are big money makers for the networks.

agreed! who would have thought 10 years ago the best quality video would come off the internet instead of a new disc format.

I still love him, even if he knows dick about cat dick.