
It offended my sensibilities, which are not all that delicate. Kid had some kind of cockroach-like exoskeleton. It was horrifying to behold.

Full Throttle was already a beautiful game with a unique style that aged surprisingly well.

The facelift to Wonderboy actually adds a LOT. It’s not a simple HD remaster, more of a re-imagining/re-interpreting. Backgrounds that were once repeating tiles are now richly decorated, expansive, and build out the world that

I would love love LOVE to see Gunstar Heroes get a facelift.

I liked that the Sun King was portrayed as this guy who was sincerely progressive in his ideas about governing, but also in way over his head and not quite as competent or decisive as we all want him to be. It created a very fresh flavor of political tension.

That’s some pretty hilarious satire! That is actually exactly what mysoginist trolls sound like. You nailed it down to the smallest detail. Well done.

Just finished the main story quest last night and loved it.

It would have been cool to see some of the more “frontier” concepts make it through to the final game, like the N7 armor with a cloak/cape. I think the game could have benefitted from distancing itself more from the mainline Mass Effect series and breaking

I think in a cartoon you can sort of get away with having an outfit that is more recognizable than functional. It’s important to recognizing a character because the faces aren’t very detailed. But in live action, people shouldn’t wear the same outfit every day. They wouldn’t wear a big heavy coat on a sunny day and if

I feel like there’s two ways to look at that... on the one hand it’s annoying that Bungie didn’t allocate resources to make these kinds of tools but on the other hand they DID give fans third-party access to managing inventory and things like that, so people could make their own tools, and lo and behold, we got some

IMO the collectables weren’t a problem in DK64 at all. Collecting stuff is fun! Even in modern open world games I still enjoy solving environmental puzzles and collecting things. My fatigue in DK64 came mostly from having to backtrack across the map in order to switch characters just to collect a single item, or

The issues absolutely WERE overblown, though. I don’t really care how many millions of dollars it cost to make or how many years it was in development, I paid the same $60 that I pay for every other new game that I buy and I feel like I got my money’s worth. It’s a solid sci-fi RPG that is absolutely gigantic in

They never promised a 10 year game through expansions. In fact they never promised you or I ten years of anything. They have a 10 year contract with Activision. Whatever you interpret to be your personal benefits from that deal is pure speculation.

Now playing

Eh... I feel like this is the tone set by the community and Bungie is going along with it rather than fighting it. We’re talking about a game where this happens:

They don’t have to sell people on it. If you spent money in Game A, that developer is not obligated to include that stuff in games B-Z and every other game they make forever and transfer it for free. I think most consumers can figure that out on their own.

No, I’m fine with this. New game, new gear. I will only be disappointed if it’s all the same guns as the 1st game and we have to re-earn them all. If it’s all-new loot, I’m in.

Yes, totally agree. None of the characters that were introduced had as much personality as House of Wolves or Taken King, either.

This has been the tone of Destiny since House of Wolves. They course-corrected big time to make the whole thing more jaunty and fun and character-driven.

The tone of the whole thing took a massive course-correction around House of Wolves. It steered a full 180 degrees from self-serious space opera to jaunty space adventure. I was actually laughing out loud at a lot of the radio chatter in those expansions.

They were moving in that direction with Taken King. If you were over-leveled, you’d recieve a slight buff, and if you were under-leveled, you’d suffer a slight debuff. But your light level did not directly dictate your damage or hp.

“Procedural” in this case is being used in a different way than people are thinking - the correct way. It means the artists had tools to paint the world in broad brush strokes and then selectively go in and define things that needed to be more precise. The algorithms filled in details around the hand crafted stuff.

I like this approach better than the MMO approach. The new content will make all the old gear and missions obsolete anyway, so a fresh start at least lets them make tweaks to the core systems as well and truly give a fresh experience, not just more grinding.