
Marine Le Pen est Donald “Cochon” Dump, mais avec des meilleurs cheveux......

I have a cousin who never knew she had cancer because she couldn’t find a doctor because she was trans. She lived in agony for months and died on a bus. This wasn’t the US, and I dont know how much better or worse it’s gotten in Australia on that front, but there’s my family anecdote.

You are a rare gem of relief in this hellfire of a comment section. Please compile all your comments into a paperback, appropriately titled ‘Bruh’, sell it like hotcakes and give 10% profits to HollaBack. You’d do the world a service.

I feel so bad for this young man, his family, friends, and others near him.

Also Bruhs: Asking for permission is a turn off for 1 out of every 1000 women; so we’ll err on the side of forcing unwanted sex. (Which is the gist of the broletariat in the comment section of the AVClub article).

Women “of a certain age” -including baby boomers and gen x’ers- are the women who paved the way for millenials. You all need to educate yourselves and do it faster before the rug gets pulled out from under you. Familiarize yourself with the law and history.

You are right. Younger women don’t realize that the concessions they get from men might be because they are attractive to men. When women grow older and aren’t considered “as attractive” to men, women realize that it was all bullshit in the first place.

I do think it’s something of an age thing. Older women endured so much of this shit, and now some of them resent younger women who expect better. I experienced a twinge of this recently—I had my kids 10+ years ago and get very little maternity leave. It sucked, and I was very much in support of more generous laws and

EXACTLY. If this brave new world has you in fear of being accused of shitty behavior, LOOK INWARD. Fuck this is not that hard, people!!!!!!!;!!!!!:&’’’—!!

This same sort of thing happened to me, as a young lass. A long time friend / some time skull partner and I were goofing around with neckties, and the next thing you know, he whips out one of those disposable cameras (pre-digital era) and shoots a photo of me!

The utter grossness of Roiphe’s actions and Harper’s willingness to do this aside, everyone should pause to read Donegan’s piece at some point today. Especially given how quickly she must have turned it around, it’s a powerful, lucid, and moving piece. The part where she describes watching the cells on the spreadsheet

If you want to find a list of shitty media men just hit the guide button on your remote.

It frequently goes off by accident and nobody with a will to live puts it in their mouth.

I find it especially curious given that a majority of women I know have been in situations in which men have come on to them — at work or otherwise. They have routinely said, “I’m not interested” or “Get your hands off me right now.” And they’ve taken the risk that comes with it.

I wrote/delete/re-wrote/deleted a similar post. I’ve been having those conversations too, from the context of being a PhD candidate in a STEM field. Honestly, I don’t feel too hot about my thesis. I’ll finish it but it won’t make much of a ripple. This somehow feels like failure, despite the hilarious degree of

Here’s the thing - I’m an employee of the parent company. There’s been an “ombudsperson” line up for at least a decade that is supposedly anonymous so we don’t face retaliation. On several occasions, people in my division have made reports about this sort of thing and they are never dealt with. It’s nothing but BS

My mom always taught me if you say happy holidays and someone gets pissy you should reply “oh I’m sorry, I misspoke. What I meant to say was ‘go fuck yourself.’”

I know what you mean! I mean, I’ve always pretty much interchanged both of them. It’s nice to have more than one greeting to use. Plus, I grew up as the weird Protestant amidst a bunch of Catholics and Jews.

Barack Obama is the shining example of a perfectly good guy who married up, knows and understands he married up, and lives life accordingly.