
Seriously who is surprised by this? Its boys who never really learned how to act around girls who get a teeny bit of “cool” and suddenly start pussy grabbing and talking filthy. These guys are more dangerous than frat boys with tequila shots because the frat boys have never pretended to be my “friend”.

And the accompanying awesome tweet:


Totally different point, but fuck Sarah Palin for trying to use PTSD to excuse this behavior. My best friend is a veteran with PTSD, and he has somehow managed to navigate his adult life without harming his romantic partners or anyone else. Most men who have PTSD don’t. There are a ton of women with PTSD too, many of

That’s the part that kills me. Technically, he is correct. Raping someone and calling your secretary “sweet cheeks” every day are not the same thing and shouldn’t be treated the same. But no one is saying they should be. No one is saying that men should go to jail for telling someone they have nice tits. But they are

Say you get inflicted with two paper cuts everyday, but once a week, you get punched in the face instead, or stub your toe. At the end of the month, I don’t want to hear “but it was mostly papercuts, get over it!”

To which he replied first that he thought it was “great” that women are “feeling empowered.” And then:

They banned the word transgender... Trump is using erasure. Government mandated erasure of trans-individuals... His admin just totes said that I don’t exist... That my whole community doesn’t exist... Does anyone know how bad that has been for us? Government mandated erasure? Hello? 

Women didn’t put him there.

community standards and wishes

This isn’t even an attack on language as it is on people smarter than him.
Did he like walk through a science fair, get laughed at by children, then make a blood oath to make future scientists dumb as he is?
Because that seems to be the only logical explanation going on with this.

More to come:

“Wife” -> “Mother”.

I don’t know if any other person, but I kinda like that we as trans people apparently can’t even be named by this administration.

I don’t think they’ll refuse to comply. But I do think they will employ the use of a very important resource that, I can almost guarantee, the Trump administration knows nothing about:

One of the hardest but most important things I ever did was thinking about why I was offended/insulted/angry by something written about white people/race/white men. Learned a lot about myself.

He could not steal her agency over the story by publishing it to the world. Imagine how she could feel right now waking up to find a painful moment in her life is blasted over social media with an attitude of “did I do that?”

I wish I could star this ten thousand times.

The retweets are shit but apart from that, show an understanding of what happened. He’s so caught up in his own defense that he’s missing the part where he admits he tried over and over again to have sex with her after she said no until she relented. This is common amongst guys and it needs to stop. If someone says no

Saying “sorry”, even once, would’ve been a good start.