
The kind of people who will say (and already are saying) that this wasn’t a sexual suggestion are the same people who think a statement isn’t racist because it didn’t explicitly use the n-word.

They’re all the same! And all BS! All those self-appointed gatekeepers of what they think is the boys’ sandbox. See also: heavy metal, comics, filmmaking, sound engineering.....

I will continue to say this until I’m dead. Hillary Clinton had the best environmental plan I ever saw. As someone with a Master’s in the discipline, I was always disgusted by how awful and ignorant most politicans’ plans were. Even Democrats. Even Green Party. Clinton’s blew my mind. It would have worked. It would

Finally - someone is talking about it! The entire campaign all I heard about was Clinton’s “likeability” problem. No one who said that was doing any introspection. And anytime someone mentioned sexism, they’d overreact and completely derail the discussion. Kinda makes me think they were so hysterical over it because

Amen! Black women. They save the Democrats bacon every damn election.

I’m going to hijack this popular thread here:

Jessica Howard and the other gymnasts who first stood up against this filth, in my opinion, we’re the first who really got the ball rolling on outing predators.

Hopefully he holds out until after Pence is either removed from office in shame and as a punchline or suffocates under a pile of bibles and conversion therapy rubber straps in a freak accident while Mother is at the towel store and unable to call for or provide help, and THEN promptly strokes out. Although at this

It’s a slim chance, but if someone can throw the book at him I’m good with this.

Jesus, how can people put up with the try-hards at vice? It’s not as if they are the only new outfit that travels, they just package it well for their try hard audience.

Vice is essentially an entirely media outlet full of that guy in journalism school who thinks he’s Hunter Thompson.

At this point wouldn’t a “non traditional workplace” be one where women aren’t harassed and everyone is treated with respect?

Fuck Vice - you were never punk you self-congratulatory “ironic” pieces of shit. Real punk is being a fucking adult.

I remember seeing a comparison to Zaphod Breeblebrox early on and thinking that was a bit extreme. Revisiting this now, I still can’t >quite< go there. Breeblebrox, you see, is not only vain, narcissistic, and prone to inchoate rambling, but he’s also extremely likeable.

It’s crazy how much of feminism has been about pleasing and placating men all in order to be a part of patriarchal institutions.

I am waiting for complaints against Alex Trebek to emerge. He is so condescending to women on Jeopardy, you know that he is a creep.

In her mind she was stabbing him repeatedly while screaming something about the Easter Bunny being white because he just is.

Wow, didn’t you see that bro’s EYES in that video? He had blood coming out of his wherever. That wasn’t satire, that was pure hatred.

Also what is with these losers calling people who won’t sleep with them “sluts”?

It’s been really hard for me to get back into online gaming for this reason. I don’t even think about using voice chat, it’s not worth the endless stream of toxic bullshit aimed my way. Splatoon’s lack of integrated voice chat? A fucking FEATURE, not a flaw.

Hey, maybe the internet will finally come for John Stamos, who helped his friend rape a woman who thought it was Stamos, and thought it was a cute enough anecdote to share with Jane magazine! I hope there’s a reckoning for all of these garbage assholes.