
In so many ways we punish with payoff and everyone is okay with it...medical malpractice, the tobacco industry, personal injury. It is pretty telling that women that are assaulted and raped are supposed to nobly broken instead.

I came to this article saying “He apologizes! Wow, maybe I should have more respect for him and his having grown.”

This is probably the most important thing, and it has to start young. When you tickle them and they say to stop, you stop. You make it clear that they get to decide what happens to their body (within reason. I explain why they have to get a shot at the doctor’s office, whether they want it or not). You don’t force

Ah yes, as Epicurus said:

My dad is a police officer and he’s made so much progress, and I give him credit where he deserves it, but when it comes to talking about sexual assault, he can’t get past “coming from a law enforcement perspective” and saying people should report to the police to “prevent other victims.”

I doubt it. And I’m so sorry that, like mine, yours never faced the consequences. Most rapists don’t. Sometimes I have conversations s with men I know - friends, my husbands, colleagues at work - and a voice in my head says “You’re lying to me.” I don’t trust any of them.

It’s not just underclassed either. My wife’s family were poor af, but CPS still never did anything despite tons of abuse. Bet it wouldn’t have went down that way if they were black.

What’s even more ridiculous is the idea that, for trans women, there is some arbitrary point during transition at which one’s nipples suddenly become dangerous and in need of sequestering.

I know as an awkward teen the only thing that got me hot was a handful of Werther’s Originals and a lecture about how rap music is just noise.

Genuinely wondering if you’re the same infamous drunken expat who used to comment here, or just an imitation.

See, we’re supposed to “believe” mostly white women when they talk about the harassment and assaults they face, but an Asian woman talking about a racist incident? Nah.

Funny how some people are more accommodating with this useless apology when it involves racism instead of sexism.

I’m like you, I tend to be understanding (“he wasn’t trying to be cruel”). And these days, I started asking myself: if I did the same thing to him, or something similar, would he be understanding or would he jump right to blaming me?

“I had no idea of the kind of sexual predator my brother Harvey was” said Bob Weinstein, adding, “All these years, I honestly thought it was just me !”

That sucks. I have a facebook friend who posted this:

I’m feeling salty today.
I didn’t just #MeToo.

You claim the Dems are a bunch of corrupt assholes.

Actually, I believe technically, “fucking moron” is right below “moron”.

Nancy Pelosi is a boss but same. :)