
I want to be Carrie when I grow up.

Have you tried these? Sized to fit you and textured for her pleasure.

I was just talking about this with my bf today. Trump’s election said to sexual assault survivors like myself: You don’t matter. You are nothing. It hurt so bad, and still does.

there are a lot of survivors out there with PTSD that are having a really tough go of the Trump presidency. Knowing that we have a perpetrator in chief, and that millions of your neighbors knew exactly who he was and elected him anyway, is really, really hard to handle when you’ve got PTSD on your plate, even if

Yeah, no shit. For years, and even now and again when I’m feeling low, I wonder if there’s something wrong with ME. Like.... do I have a sign on me that says EASY PREY? My grandpa, my dad, a cousin,an uncle, guys at school, my fucking boss.... And worse still my husband, on a night when he was stupid drunk, forced me

“How utterly invincible do you think you have to be to grope Terry Crews in public and in front of his wife without any repercussions?”

It was a punch in the gut and a slap in the face. It felt like being victimized all over again. A confirmation of everything I had told myself about why I didn’t pursue charges, why I didn’t speak up, why I internalized my hate.

I’ve voted in every election- I couldn’t wait to register to vote. I was so proud to vote. People died so I could vote! I take voting seriously - I read, I learn about the candidates and their stances. I try to be as informed a voter as I can. But I’ve been disheartened by people I know who don’t vote. Like, as a

On the upside, he wasn’t sentenced to pay restitution to the girl’s father for the loss of her virginity.

I hate how right you are. The last man allowed into my life is a builder who’s been nothing but wonderful on a personal level. I know for a fact he is a devoted father (his older son has also done work on my house and is a super, whip-smart guy), he’s compassionate to a fault and does so many nice little things

I’ve read reports from doctors about male OBGYNS and the comments they make about their patients, being more likely to recommend unnecessary invasive procedures/tests for attractive patients, less likely to recommend necessary treatments for unattractive/older patients, etc. Male OBs can get fucked.

I’m really not sure. I usually try to bump people out of the grays here, because it seems like the few male commenters I find particularly...objectionable...arein the black while some really good women commenters languish in the grays. As for the Root, I’m usually embarrassed by my fellow white people. I comment

Because it’s seen as a source of shame and families want to shut it down instead of protecting and comforting the victims. It’s that mentality that the victim must have brought it upon themselves because it’s so out of the ordinary so they must have done something to cause it especially if the abuser was a family

Easier for those that Pence and Mother deem worthy of adoption. We don’t want any of the immoral, sinful people who have chosen a gay “lifestyle” to adopt children and indoctinate them into the ways of Satan. Also, no singles need apply. Much better to give them to some abusive heterosexual parents...and only

Conservatives: “More laws around abortion and immigration and drug use!”

“It will protect those children who science has proven can feel pain, and give them a chance to grow and live full and happy lives,” said House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a statement last week.

There were FOUR other bright spots this year?!

Also Santa Claus is white and black people deserve to be brutally killed by police and women who are sexually harassed and assaulted are probably asking for it. Gotta leave it at that. We’ll be right back and our next segment will include a prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.

How timely.

For years these motherfuckers have been trying to tell me that rap concerts were dangerous