
It was just locker room talk! He wasn’t serious!

How difficult can it be if you’re given a free Ivy league school education, a wealthy upbringing devoid of the stresses of poverty, racism, or poor health, with a father in having a lot of knowledge and experience, and a loan of $1 million? I imagine a lot of people would be able to make (and lose) a lot of money with

Would you fuck right off with existing? All you have to do is bitch about people bitching? That’s worse than people bitching! Did you really take time to find that image just to whine about an election in which you aren’t even involved? Shut the fuck up dumbass

of course its pragerU who is supporting it...

Well we also had to get a depression to get FDR

Technically, better than Trump by raw human desire (votes)

What good is the message you sent if the Dems won’t be able to do anything with that message for years, if not decades, as a result of that message?

Were they also going to cure cancer and figure out how to shit gold? Was this after they figured out world peace?

Ugh fuck these swings with the grooves in them. When I was 2-3, I sat on a wet one that had water inbetween the grooves. Then my preschool teacher comes up and assumes I had wet myself. Lost my damn cake for that day. The injustice still hurts.

Well he probably received his first security briefing and just realized the shit he’s stepped into’s likely his VEEP will be wielding quite a bit of power

Right! It would just be the best “I told you so!” even though it wouldn’t last long because of the armageddon and what not

As Jobs goes, so goes Apple.

I’s there to fit into text messages. Twitters original purpose or intent or what have you was to be sms compatible.

I drive 90 minutes to and from work daily and hit dead zones on a very regular basis.....shut the fuck up

Becuase most of it does suck and most of them are terrible and weed forces you to see that starkly and plainly.

All she has to do is accuse him of bragging about sexual assault and he’ll be on the defense, giving an incoherent rant filled with campaign ending quotes like “It definitely wasn’t sexual assault” and “Many of them wanted it”. Maybe we’ll even see Kelly Anne-Conway resign!


“A faster way to express feelings they lack the capacity to give words to or to express in a meaningful way in person?”

It was. I’ve been using it for years.