
And I thought burnt popcorn smelled bad enough....

My parents are Boomers. I was born in 75 and am Generation X. My daughter was born in 93, so I believe she's Y? Here's what I've seen between our 3 generations:

Awesome - thank you so much!!!

It is! It does give off a high vinegar smell during the first run, but it dissipates and is so worth it. Gets all that nasty water build-up out. A lot of times if a coffee machine isn't working, it will work again after a vinegar clean (I drink A LOT of coffee and am very hard on the machines!).

Coffee machines! If you have hard water and your coffeemaker insides are all scaly, run vinegar through it and then 3 cycles with plain water.

If it is true, then I shall fight you to death to make @prestochango: my new bestie. :-)

Oh, lords those are horrible. The guy looks like he has half of a dollar store Iron Man costume on. And that's not Super Girl, right? This one should be named Sneering Star for that look on her face.

Heh. Will do!

Thank you for this. Thank you so very much.

I agree. It reminds me of the costumes for kids that have the fake padding. But hey! The knock on Smallville?

Absolutely! It adds so much more depth to the characters and the story.

Excellent episode - maybe even my new favorite. I agree with all points in the excellent recap.

Well, thank you! I believe that you must have impeccable taste yourself, so I now must heart you.

It's OK to be a condescending ass, I can respect that. But don't call me babe. I checked your profile and from what I've seen, you need to move your troll ass somewhere else. Some of us on io9 still like to have real conversations without a 12 year old coming in and hollering "TMI".

Well, shit, this looks so awesome that I think I'm going to finally sit down and watch the Iron Man movies and Thor. This is going to be fun!

Hell, I'd be happy having him now. Been crushing on that fine man forever. And since I can't have any more kids - no worries of accidentally making any whiny-ass John Conners.

Uh oh, Charlie. Harry is going to kick your ass for listing his full Name! ;-)

I hope so! They did mention her a lot in the last episode. I would love if she were an Original - I don't even care if it doesn't make sense!

I can tell! I was thinking that you might have done such a good job that the people who already know might not have gotten it. But, I underestimated GoT fans ;-)

But you are spot on - Starbuck DID die in her Viper ***insert normal BSG fan rant here about Kara's ending*** That makes it a retroactive WTF death. I couldn't believe Ron did it. So every episode from the finale in Season 3 on was not Starbuck. She was dead. Fuckers.