

I thought the teeth he wore in the movies were fake?

Kid would be terrified of birthday parties. Pictures would be priceless. You are hearted so much for that image.

"Because it's wrong." will always be brilliant to me.

Don't forget leaky boobs (during AND after pregnancy)! Those damn pads you're supposed to put in your bra to absorb the leaked milk are shit. Here I am walking around Target thinking everyone's looking at my itty-bitty baby. Well, they were, but they couldn't miss the 2 huge wet spots over my nipples like I was just

"even though he saved the world twice."

I now have a new phrase - thanks! I just don't understand why a random pot test of a telecommuter causes more trouble than a drunk driver on the damn runway!

Thank you. I know it was my fault since it is illegal, but I just don't think entire careers should be ruined because of a weed that should be legal anyway!

@mohamedzv2001: And I'd like to see you prove that you're not a judgmental asshole. Too late for that, though, huh?

Hired AND hearted.

You'll be all right. The tests they use are supposed to be able to tell the difference between second-hand use and actual use.

I lost my career of 10 years due to a random piss test and the fact that I used pot to help with my endometriosis and anxiety.

I really miss that guy who used to do all those wonderful cave drawings. Nobody could draw a buffalo like him. His artistic visions were sublime.

@Trik: I tried to promote your comment, but the thumbs up icon is pretty much giving me the finger. You are so hearted for this comment.

Hearted for an excellent post. We were lucky enough that our daughter just graduated from a Communication Arts magnet school and it was so exciting to see all of the productions and documentaries these kids put together during school. They were always filming, acting, and going all over town staging and interviewing.

I know! I mean, Bella is the biggest Mary Sue ever, so I thought for sure we'd at least get to see her kick some ass as a vampire. But nope, she can shield! Oh noes, the powerful and old vampires ain't having none of that shit! Let's go get a blood coffee!

Here! Here! Hearted right back!

They can add all of the sweeping music, slo-mo shots, and shirtless Shark Boy they want to, but there is just no disguising how horrifically awful the plot is in this one. Everyone who made it through to the end of Breaking Dawn deserves a god damn medal.

That's what I meant when I said, "I'll like this person again,". ;-)

Don't forget the "We've been through so much together and bought all our stuff together and we know each other so well and still like each other and neither of us wants to be single and start this bullshit over AGAIN and we don't even remember how to date, let alone on-line" marriage.