
Cuz he’s still got it and he wants to show it off

Ok, where’s the fucker’s booking photo so we can Internet-shame him?

Its important to note that individual mosquitos do NOT travel very far in their short lives, which is why the advisory is only for this specific neighborhood.

Ugh photoshop-enhanced packages that look weirdly out of proportion...

Maybe I’m slow... what’s he hinting at?

He looked nervous to me. He dropped his notes at one point and looked all flustered. He didn't know if his speech would work! People have been telling him his supporters are too cray but he just realized it for himself earlier today....

God help us all

A few weeks ago in Queens, a man killed someone in broad daylight with a machete. I didn’t see that covered in Jezebel or other national news...

Why be proactive IRL when you can complain online?

Corporations ≠ unions. Corporations are bound by law to make profit for their investors. Unions are bound by law to work to improve conditions for and democratically represent their members/funders.

Different STIs are transmitted differently, since the actual virus/bacteria will show up in different spots. For example, you can get mono from kissing but you can’t get HIV that way...

There are a lot of people who would be considered “white” in Mexico who would not be considered “white” in the U.S., and Frida is one of them. I think that’s the root of a lot of the disagreement here...

You have no idea what she’s lived through... She probably figures the police won’t bring anything but more trouble...

A lot of traffickers are now subbing Fentanyl for heroin because Fentanyl is synthetic and much, much more powerful, so they get more bang for their buck...

How does this compare with other music festivals? I doubt it's much better at Coachella etc...

Not if you fly there...

There’s not a lot of laws in any country against stalking. Usually the best you can do is a restraining order, then if they violate that, arrest them...

I feel the same way about all these stories of gun-toting mass-murders. They always plaster their face all over the news, and I think – isn’t this exactly the twisted infamy that they wanted?

If DACA/DAPA were allowed to stand, undocumented immigrants could pay taxes under their own IDs... So you’re in favor of these programs I take it?

Well I bet someone has to work very hard for her hair to look like that, and I’m sure they’re paid very well